Yoshi Torralva-Looking Outwards-10

Album cover of Classical Music Composed by Computer: Experiments in Music Intelligence

On the topic of computer-generated music, I found this album by David Cope titled Classical Music Composed by Computer: Experiments in Musical Intelligence created in 1997 A professor from the University of California at Santa Cruz, he started as a trained musician but found a keen interest in the world of computing as it rose in popularity. David Cope realized how his musical approached paralleled that of programing. At that point in his life, he discovered the opportunity to explore where music meets computing. Eventually, Cope decided to create a program called the Experiments in Music Intelligence. The program would generate music based on data collected by various scores and even Cope’s music. In the album Classical Music Composed by Computer: Experiments in Musical Intelligence, the program generated the sheet music that the musicians would play from that would be recorded. What I admire about this work is how it finds a balance between human-made sound and generative computing. At its final stage, the song is made by an instrument, but the original song is derived from a computer program.

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