Zee Salman-Looking Outwards- 12

I was very interested and inspired by these projects because it requires user input and is based of the direction where the player wants to go the determines where the piece/interactive movement goes. In the first project it is based of a movement that rises and blocks of the fishes from the users character, in this case its the balloon hand. An interactive game called rise and fall created by Theodore Watson and Emily Gobeille. the second project is a bit similar in the sense that the pixels rise and it changes every time. And deletes the older line of pixels on the screen. Also another difference is that it doesn’t really have a shown user tool, but it is modified by time. This also helps with what I want for my final project because I want to make the bricks fall and change as they fall and create a new line. This second interaction piece is called I really enjoyed this project because it was a nice element of surprise the Edge Of Chaos.

Screenshot of Part of the interactive game


A screenshot of the moving image in action.


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