
This is my variable face

// Michael
// Section C

var faceWidth = 100;
var faceHeight = 100;
var faceround = 10
var randomSkin = 0
var r = 140
var g = 200
var b = 230
var eyeBrow = 1
var browHeight = 10
var eyeSize = 20;
var pupilPos = 0
var mouthType = 1
var mouthLevel = 50
var noseType = 1
hairType = 1
stubble = 2
hairColor = 0

function setup() {
    createCanvas(300, 300);
function draw() {
    print (pupilPos.toString())
    //background color
    background(r, g, b);

    //Eye Variables
    //use facewidth to determine the eye positions
    var eyeLX = width / 2 - faceWidth * 0.2; 
    var eyeRX = width / 2 + faceWidth * 0.2;

    //hair color
    //Randomize hair color with different shades of grey

    //hair back
    //Two different thicknesses of hair
    //Use FaceWidth and faceHeight to determine the hair thickness
    if(hairType == 1){  //Thick Hair
        ellipse(width / 2, 1.15*height / 3, faceWidth*1.2,  faceHeight*1.2);
        fill (r, g, b);
        rect(0, height/(faceHeight/60), width, height)
    } else if (hairType == 2) //Thin hair
        ellipse(width / 2, 1.15*height / 3, faceWidth*1.1,  faceHeight*1.1);
        fill (r, g, b);
        rect(0, height/(faceHeight/53), width, height)

    //4 different skin types
    //predetermined skin colors
    if (randomSkin == 0){
        fill (255, 204, 153);
    } else if (randomSkin == 1){
        fill (226, 183, 132)
    } else if (randomSkin == 2){
        fill (191, 130, 70)
    } else {
        fill (192, 134, 79)

    ellipse(width/2 - faceWidth/2.4, 1.3*height / 3, faceHeight/3, faceHeight/3)
    ellipse(width/2 + faceWidth/2.4, 1.3*height / 3, faceHeight/3, faceHeight/3)
    fill(95, 44, 5)
    ellipse(width/2 - faceWidth/2.2, 1.3*height / 3, faceHeight/10, faceHeight/4)
    ellipse(width/2 + faceWidth/2.2, 1.3*height / 3, faceHeight/10, faceHeight/4)
    //Skin Color 
    //Randomize skin color 
    //Fill the skin colors again due to the fill command in the ears
    if (randomSkin == 0){
        fill (255, 204, 153);
    } else if (randomSkin == 1){
        fill (226, 183, 132)
    } else if (randomSkin == 2){
        fill (191, 130, 70)
    } else {
        fill (192, 134, 79)

    //use facewidth to determin neck width
    rect(eyeLX - faceWidth/18, height/2, faceWidth/2, 70)

    //Use to ellipses to draw the face
    ellipse(width / 2, 1.15*height / 3, faceWidth,  faceHeight);
    ellipse(width / 2, 1.45*height / 3, faceWidth/1.25, faceHeight/1.25)

    //Use the eye positions variable to draw the eyes and the pupils
    ellipse(eyeLX, 1.25*height / 3, eyeSize*1.3, eyeSize*1.3);
    ellipse(eyeRX, 1.25* height / 3, eyeSize*1.3, eyeSize*1.3);
    //Use pupilPos to randomize the pupil position whenever mouse clicks
    ellipse(eyeLX + eyeSize/4 - eyeSize*pupilPos, 1.25*height / 3, eyeSize/2, eyeSize/2);
    ellipse(eyeRX + eyeSize/4 - eyeSize*pupilPos, 1.25*height / 3, eyeSize/2, eyeSize/2);

    //two different eyebrows, straight and curve
    if (eyeBrow == 1){ //Curve
        strokeWeight(5) //use eyesize to determin eyebrow position
        curve (eyeLX - eyeSize/3, height/2 - eyeSize/1.5,
               eyeLX - eyeSize/3, 1.4*height/3.2 - eyeSize/1.5 - browHeight, //browHeight to randomize brow when click
               eyeLX + eyeSize/3, 1.4*height/3.2 - eyeSize/1.5 - browHeight,
               eyeLX + eyeSize/3, height/2 - eyeSize/1.5)
        curve (eyeRX - eyeSize/3, height/2 - eyeSize/1.5,
               eyeRX - eyeSize/3, 1.4*height/3.2 - eyeSize/1.5 - browHeight, 
               eyeRX + eyeSize/3, 1.4*height/3.2 - eyeSize/1.5 - browHeight,
               eyeRX + eyeSize/3, height/2 - eyeSize/1.5)
    } if  (eyeBrow == 2){ //straight
        rect (eyeLX-eyeSize/1.5 , 1.27*height / 3 - eyeSize/1.5 - browHeight, eyeSize*1.2, eyeSize/4)
        rect (eyeRX-eyeSize/1.8 , 1.27*height / 3 - eyeSize/1.5 - browHeight, eyeSize*1.2, eyeSize/4)

    //5 different types of mouths
    //use faceHeight and width to determine mouth position
    if (mouthType <= 2){ // Open Mouth
        fill(255, 166, 193)
        ellipse(width/2, height/2 + faceHeight/mouthLevel, faceWidth/3, faceHeight/10)
        ellipse(width/2, height/2.06 + faceHeight/mouthLevel, faceWidth/6, faceHeight/20)
    } else if (mouthType == 3){ //Meh face No. 1
         line(eyeLX, height/2 + faceHeight/mouthLevel, eyeRX, height*2.75/5)
    } else if (mouthType == 4){// Straight Face
         line(eyeLX, height/2 + faceHeight/mouthLevel, eyeRX, height/2 + faceHeight/mouthLevel)
    } else if (mouthType == 5){//Meh face No.2
         line(eyeLX, height*2.75/5, eyeRX, height/2 + faceHeight/mouthLevel)
    } else if(mouthType == 6) {//Smile
        curve (eyeLX - eyeSize/10, height/2.7 - faceHeight/20,
               eyeLX - eyeSize/10, 1.5*height/3 - faceHeight/50, 
               eyeRX + eyeSize/10, 1.5*height/3 - faceHeight/50,
               eyeRX + eyeSize/10, height/2.7 - faceHeight/20)
    //two different types of noses
    //use faceheight and width to determine mouth position
    if(noseType == 1) {
        fill(95, 44, 5);
        ellipse(width/2, height/2 - faceHeight/5, faceWidth*0.05, faceHeight/5)
    } else if (noseType == 2) {
        fill(95, 44, 5);
        ellipse(width/2, height/2 - faceHeight/10, faceWidth*0.1, faceWidth*0.1)


function mousePressed() {
    // Randomize the variables when the use clicks their mouse
    //Background color, high rgb for faded colors
    r = random (200, 250)
    g = random (200, 250)
    b = random (200, 250)
    //Max width less than max height
    faceWidth = random(100, 120);
    faceHeight = random(100, 150);
    //skin color
    randomSkin = int(random (0, 4)) 
    eyeSize = random(20, 28);
    browHeight = random(0, 10)
    eyeBrow = int(random(1, 3))
    pupilPos = random (0, 0.5)
    mouthType = int(random(1, 7))
    mouthLevel = random (6, 50)
    hairColor = random (0, 100)
    stubble = int(random(0, 3))
    hairType = int(random(1, 3))
    noseType = int(random(1, 3))



The most attractive aspects of these works are the vivid variety of colors and how each tone compliments each other, forming patterns that make me think of decorative art. Once painters use to even stick gold to create the golden yellow they were it’s rather interesting how digitally colors are presented compared to hand-worked arts.

Lia: Summer

This specific work from her installation Summer is composed of colors from imagery of summer; as she describe as  blue sea, sand dunes, striped parasols and beach chairs. Using patterns that utilizes stripes, shapes that are made of patches and blocks of colors. The image is a capture of a continuous video that does not repeat but continues to create new random images.

Lia also has 3d installations that bring out code and algorithms into physical products- it is a real ting in real life. I know that the works are rated to minimalist qualities and she codes for her installations or images. The way she cooperates the freeness and fluid characteristic of art works – for example paintings or sketches- along with the structured characteristic of coding seems to bridge between traditional mediums and Digital algorithms.

Lia: Silver Ratio

Additionally, adding sound elements is another dimension to add on art works. It brings in the sensory sound helping to create a mode, reenforcing the impact of an art piece. It isn’t necessarily music of her own creation but is a collaborative act; in this specific work, sound from Damian Stewart.

Project 02

// for my design, i tried to move the eye within the face and all the other sense organs go along with it.
// also, the eye ball move within the eye socket by itself. therefore, this people can look upwards, downwards, look to the left or to the right.
// in addition, the mouth also change the radian by itself.
// by having these, it can create a series of variation for the face.
var eyeSize = 30;
var faceWidth = 300;
var faceHeight = 200;
//variables for eyes
var eyeWidthVariation = 20;
var eyeHeightVariation = 10;
//variables for mouth
var mouthWidthShift = 10;
var mouthHeightShift = 15;
var r = 243;
var g = 197;
var b = 194;
//eyeball movement
var movementX = 10;
var movementY = 10;
//eyebrow movement
var eyebrowChangeL = 5
var eyebrowChangeR = 5

function setup() {
    createCanvas(640, 480);

function draw(){
    background(249, 233, 211);
    fill(r, g, b);
    ellipse(width / 2, height / 2, faceWidth, faceHeight);
    rect(width/2- faceWidth/3, height/2-faceHeight/2-10,faceWidth/1.5,faceHeight/6)
    fill(r-50, g-50, b-50);
    ellipse(width / 2-eyeWidthVariation, height/2+2*eyeHeightVariation, 20, 30);
    //eyes socket
    var eyeLX = width / 2 - faceWidth * 0.25 - eyeWidthVariation;
    var eyeRX = width / 2 + faceWidth * 0.25 - eyeWidthVariation;
    //blush left
    ellipse(eyeLX, height/2+eyeHeightVariation+eyeSize/2+10,20+eyeSize*0.5,eyeSize*0.4);
    //blush right
    ellipse(eyeRX, height/2+eyeHeightVariation+eyeSize/2+10,20+eyeSize*0.5,eyeSize*0.4);
    fill(r+50, g+50, b+50);
    ellipse(eyeLX, height / 2 + eyeHeightVariation, eyeSize, eyeSize);
    ellipse(eyeRX, height / 2 + eyeHeightVariation, eyeSize, eyeSize);
    ellipse(eyeLX+movementX, height/2 +eyeHeightVariation+movementY, eyeSize / 2, eyeSize / 2);
    ellipse(eyeRX+movementX, height/2 +eyeHeightVariation+movementY, eyeSize / 2, eyeSize / 2);
    //eyebrow left
    rect(eyeLX- eyeSize/2, height/2+ eyeHeightVariation- eyeSize/2-10-eyebrowChangeL,eyeSize,eyeHeightVariation/2);
    //eyebrow right
    rect(eyeRX- eyeSize/2, height/2+ eyeHeightVariation- eyeSize/2-10+movementY-eyebrowChangeR,eyeSize,eyeHeightVariation/2);
    stroke(r-35, g-35, b-35);
    curveVertex(width/2 - mouthWidthShift*3-eyeWidthVariation, height / 2 + faceHeight * 0.38 - mouthHeightShift*7);
    curveVertex(width/2 - mouthWidthShift*2-eyeWidthVariation, height / 2 + faceHeight * 0.38 - mouthHeightShift*1.3);
    curveVertex(width/2-eyeWidthVariation, height / 2 + faceHeight * 0.40);
    curveVertex(width/2 + mouthWidthShift*2-eyeWidthVariation, height / 2 + faceHeight * 0.38 - mouthHeightShift*1.3);
    curveVertex(width/2 + mouthWidthShift*3-eyeWidthVariation, height / 2 + faceHeight * 0.38 - mouthHeightShift*7);

function mousePressed() {
    //face random
    faceWidth = random(200, 600);
    faceHeight = random(200, 460);
    //eye random
    eyeSize = random(30, 80);
    eyeWidthVariation = random(-50, 50);
    eyeHeightVariation = random(3, 25);
    //mouth random
    mouthWidthShift = random(-20, 20);
    mouthHeightShift = random(-20, 20);
    //color random
    r = random(51, 204);
    g = random(51, 204);
    b = random(51, 204);
    //eyeball random
    movementX = random(-eyeSize/4,eyeSize/4);
    movementY = random(-eyeSize/4,eyeSize/4);
    //eyebrown random
    eyebrowChangeL = random(0,30);
    eyebrowChangeR = random(0,30)

Looking Outwards 02

Looking Outwards 02
What this project impressed me with is how this algorithm abstracts the real pictures into a more artistic form. Also, with different fitness percentages, users can choose how abstract they want for the output. I think the algorithm of this project is to use different sizes and colors of the polygon to mimic the form of real pictures. Furthermore, since the polygons are overlaying with each other, I think that the transparency of the polygon can also be changed so that it can create a sense of layering effect which is very artistic. The most interesting concept about this project is that the users can choose not only the percentage of fitness they want but also see the gradual change of this process. The artistic essence of this project is using the polygon as a single unit to create the abstract version of the picture since it contains different types of angles, including acute angle, obtuse angle, and right angle. It can create different shapes because of this natural characteristic.

Bhaboo’s Looking Outwards

Looking through insanely cool “Johnny Cash Project” was really interesting and fun for me. I admired how it used generative art to create a story told by real people, real fans across the world that were touched by this person. Aaron Koblin and the team were able to create an interactive website that helped make a crops-sourced music video. Any visitor on the website was able to paint their vision on any frame of the music video. This was then turned into an animated music video which garnished many awards and honors. I think it’s interesting to see how generative art can take the place in so many forms. Aaron Koblin is known for his work using data visualization in which he did a phenomenal job with this project remembering a great artist. Something really interesting is that the music video continues to grow as more people continue to participate.

To learn more: Johhny Cash Project

The Johnny Cash Project from Chris Milk on Vimeo.

Srishty’s Project 2: Variable Face

//Srishty Bhavsar
//Section C


var headsize = 100;
var eye = 1;
var mouth = 1;
var earring = 1;
var shirtcol = 1;
var hair = 1;

function setup() {
    createCanvas(500, 300);
    text("p5.js vers 0.9.0 test.", 10, 15);

function draw() {
    if (mouseY < (width/2)) { // If mouse is in top half of canvas, color is yellow. If in lower half, color is blue
    } else { 
        background(204, 204, 255);
    triangle(240,180,260,180,250,195); //mouth
    fill(164,116,73); // TAN
    rect(240,208,20,40); //neck

    if (headsize <= 88 ) { 
        ellipse(250,280,180,400); // hair     
        fill(164,116,73); // TAN
        rect(240,208,20,40); //neck
        ellipse(200,160,15,25); //ear
        ellipse(300,160,15,25); //ear 2 

        if ( earring == 1) {
            fill(255); // white
            ellipse(300,170,3,10); //earrings
            ellipse(200,170,3,10); //earrings
        } else if (earring == 2) {
            fill(255); //pink
            ellipse(300,170,5,5) //earrings
            ellipse(200,170,5,5); //earrings 
        } else {
            fill(207,255,229); //mint
            rect(297, 170, 3, 8); // rect earrings
            rect(200, 170, 3, 8); // rect earrings

        fill(189,154,122); //  skin color
        ellipse(250,150,100,120); // head + ears
        arc(280, 105, 55, 70, 1, PI + QUARTER_PI, CHORD); //front bang
        rect(270,93,10,23); //bangs
        rect(260,93,10,23); //bangs
        rect(280,101,10,23); //bangs
        rect(289,110,9,23); //bangs
        triangle(200,140,210,103,260,82); // strand
        ellipse(225,133,17,10); // one eye
        fill(189,154,122); // SKIN
        ellipse(225,135,17,10); // skin carve
    } else if (headsize >= 88 & headsize <= 100) {
        fill(132, 34, 34); // AUBURN HAIR
        ellipse(250,150,130,150); // TIED UP
        fill(164,116,73); // TAN
        rect(240,208,20,40); //neck
        ellipse(290,160,15,25); //ear adjusted slim
        ellipse(210,160,15,25); //ear 2 adjusted slim

        if ( earring >= 10 & earring <= 20) {
            fill(255); // white
            ellipse(290,170,3,10); //earrings
            ellipse(210,170,3,10); //earrings
        } else if (earring >= 20 & earring <= 30) {
            fill('pink'); // pink
            ellipse(290,170,5,5); // circle earrings
            ellipse(210,170,5,5); // circle earrings 
        } else {
            fill(207,255,229); //mint 
            rect(290, 170, 3, 8); // rect earrings
            rect(210, 170, 3, 8); // rect earrings

        fill(189,154,122); // skin color
        ellipse(250,150,75,120); // slim head + ears 
        fill(132, 34, 34);
        arc(280, 105, 55, 70, 1, PI + QUARTER_PI, CHORD); //front bang
        rect(270,93,10,23); //bangs
        rect(260,93,10,23); //bangs
        rect(280,101,10,23); //bangs
        rect(289,110,9,23); //bangs
        fill(132, 34, 34); // AUBURN EYEBROWS
        ellipse(225,133,17,10); // one eyebrow
        fill(189,154,122); // SKIN
        ellipse(225,135,17,10); // skin carve

    } else {
        fill(108,25,96); // MAGENTA HAIR
        ellipse(250,280,200,400); // hair
        fill(164,116,73); // TAN
        rect(240,208,20,40); //neck
        ellipse(310,160,15,25); //ear adjusted wide
        ellipse(190,160,15,25); //ear 2 adjusted wide
        fill(63, 20, 20);
        ellipse(310,170,3,10); //earrings
        ellipse(190,170,3,10); //earrings 
        ellipse(250,150,120,120); // widest head + wider hair + ears
        fill(108,25,96); // MAGENTA eyebrow
        ellipse(225,133,19,10); // one eyebrow
        ellipse(275,133,19,10); //second eyebrow
        fill(189,154,122); // SKIN
        ellipse(225,135,19,10); // skin carve
        ellipse(275,135,19,10); //skin carve 
        triangle(180,140,210,103,255,80); // hair strand

    if (eye >= 10 & eye <= 20){
        fill(72,60,50); // BROWN 
        ellipse(225,145,10,10); // one eye
        ellipse(275,145,10,10); //second eye 
    } else if (eye >= 20 & eye <= 30) { 
        fill(72,60,50); // BROWN 
        ellipse(225,145,10,10); // one eye
        ellipse(275,145,10,10); //second eye
        fill(189,154,122); // SKIN
        ellipse(225,147,10,10); // one eye SKIN COLOR
        ellipse(275,147,10,10); //second eye SKIN COLOR
    } else if (eye >= 30 & eye <= 40) {
        fill(72,60,50); // BROWN
        ellipse(225,145,10,10); // one eye
        ellipse(275,146,10,10); //second eye
        fill(189,154,122); // SKIN
        ellipse(275,148,10,10); //second eye  
    } else {
        fill(72,60,50); // BROWN 
        ellipse(225,145,10,10); // one eye
        ellipse(275,145,10,10); //second eye


    stroke(72,60,50); // BLUSH PINK
    ellipse(220,170,10,5); //blush1
    ellipse(280,170,10,5); //blush2
    stroke(101,67,33); // DARK BROWN
    line(255,140,255,160); // nose long
    line(245,160,255,160); // nose short


    if (shirtcol >= 10 & shirtcol <= 20) {
        fill(79, 121, 66); //DARK GREEN
        ellipse(250,330,140,200); //arms
        ellipse(250,360,115,280); // body
    } else if (shirtcol >= 20 & shirtcol <= 30) {
        fill(172, 112, 136); //DARK GREEN
        ellipse(250,330,140,200); //arms
        fill(222, 182, 171);
        ellipse(250,360,115,280); // body
    } else if (shirtcol >= 30 & shirtcol <= 40) {
        fill(241, 166, 97); //DARK GREEN
        ellipse(250,330,140,200); //arms
        fill(255, 216, 169);
        ellipse(250,360,115,280); // body    
    } else if (shirtcol >= 40 & shirtcol <= 50) {
        fill(134, 88, 88); //DARK GREEN
        ellipse(250,330,140,200); //arms
        fill(142, 127, 127);
        ellipse(250,360,115,280); // body 
    } else if (shirtcol >= 50 & shirtcol <= 60) {
        fill(110, 133, 183); //DARK GREEN
        ellipse(250,330,140,200); //arms
        fill(196, 215, 224);
        ellipse(250,360,115,280); // body     
    } else { 
        fill(79, 121, 66); //DARK GREEN
        ellipse(250,330,140,200); //arms
        ellipse(250,360,115,280); // body


    if (mouth >= 10 & mouth <= 20) {
        fill(255,182,193); // pink
        triangle(240,180,260,180,250,195); // MOUTH HAPPY
    } else if (mouth >= 20 & mouth <= 30) {
        fill(203, 76, 78); // light red
        ellipse(250,180,10,20); // MOUTH SHOCKED
    } else if (mouth >= 30 & mouth <= 40) {
        stroke(0); //BLAXK
        line(240,180,260,180) //PLAIN MOUTH
    } else {


function mousePressed() {
    //when the user clicks, the variables of the following features are reassigned to random values within their respective ranges
    headsize = random(75,120); // head witdth
    eye = random(10,40); // 4 eye types
    mouth = random(10,40); // 4 mouth types
    earring = random (10,30); // 3 earring types
    shirtcol = random(10,60); // 6 color shirts

Looking Outwards _02

Nervous System combines research, computer graphics, and math to produce product design. The things that excites this company are “natural processes that produce complex forms from simple rule sets.” Something I admire about this artists work is the complexity of it while it being somewhat simple. With the repetitive patterns and forms, they’ve been able to take these designs to actual products including rings, metalsmith, and generative art. The rings honestly inspire me because it uses fuse art, science, and technology showing us the real life uses of using generative art. They use a mixture of computation, 3D-Printing and traditional metalsmithing. Further, they also make their jewelry come to life through their complex forms which a lot of the time include forms based on the nervous system of animals, humans. The founder, Jessica Rosenkrantz is also inspiring for her history and background in computing design, architecture, teaching and being a professor at MIT, and programming.

Project 2

// Bridget Doherty
// Section C

var eyeSize = 20;
var faceWidth = 200;
var faceHeight = 300;
var noseWidth = 20
var on = true;

var color1 = 50;
var color2 = 50;
var color3 = 50;
function setup() {
    createCanvas(640, 480);
function draw() {
    let backgroundColor = color(color3, color2, color1);
    let eyeColor = (color('#7d754f'));
    let skinColor = (color(255, 220, 177));
    let hairColor = (color('#80643d'));
    var centerX = width / 2;
    var centerY = height / 2;
    rect(centerX-(faceWidth/3), centerY+30, faceWidth/1.5, 200);
    // main face
    ellipse(centerX, centerY, faceWidth,  faceHeight);
    // nose
    triangle(centerX, centerY+40, centerX, centerY, centerX+noseWidth, centerY+40);
    let shirtColor = color(color1, color2, color3)
    rect(centerX-(faceWidth/2), centerY+170, faceWidth, 70)  
    let sleeveColor = color(color1-50, color2-50, color3-50)
    triangle(centerX-(faceWidth/2), centerY+170, centerX-(faceWidth/2)-30, 480, centerX-(faceWidth/2), 480);
    triangle(centerX+(faceWidth/2), centerY+170, centerX+(faceWidth/2)+30, 480, centerX+(faceWidth/2), 480)
    // eyes
    var eyeLX = width / 2 - faceWidth * 0.25;
    var eyeRX = width / 2 + faceWidth * 0.25;
    fill('white'); // left eye
    ellipse(eyeLX, centerY, eyeSize+20, eyeSize);
    ellipse(eyeLX, centerY, eyeSize, eyeSize);
    ellipse(eyeLX, centerY, eyeSize/2, eyeSize/2);
    fill('white'); // right eye
    ellipse(eyeRX, centerY, eyeSize+20, eyeSize);
    ellipse(eyeRX, centerY, eyeSize, eyeSize);
    ellipse(eyeRX, centerY, eyeSize/2, eyeSize/2);
    // bowl cut hair
    var hairY = (height / 2) - faceHeight/8
    arc(centerX, hairY, faceWidth, faceHeight, 180, 0);
    // happy or sad mouth
    var mouthY = (height / 2) + faceHeight/3.5
    if (on == true) {
    arc(centerX, mouthY, 80, 60, 0, 180);
    } else if (on == false) {
    arc(centerX, mouthY, 80, 60, 180, 0);
function mousePressed() {
    faceWidth = random(150, 300);
    faceHeight = random(150, 350);
    eyeSize = random(10, 30);
    noseWidth = random(-40, 40);
    if (on == true) {
    on = false;
    } else {
      on = true; }

function getRandomColor(){
    // function generates a random number for color variables
    color1 = random(40, 255); 
    color2 = random(40, 255);
    color3 = random(40, 255);

Looking Outwards-02

I wrote about a similar piece of art last week, but seeing that this week’s prompt was generative art, I knew I had to find another piece from this form/coding language. Max/MSP is a graphical language-slash-program primarily meant for creation with signal flow, whether that be control signals, audio, or video/image signals. It’s often used in conjunction with Ableton for live music generation as well. The piece that I found on youtube (linked below) is attempting to emulate a generative ambient patch on a Eurorack synth setup. Something that I find really interesting about a lot of computer-generated music or audio pieces is that so much of the technique is trying to emulate analog systems and pieces of equipment. Humans have been used to analog audio since broadcasting began, and even though digital audio techniques are much more efficient and often cheaper, we keep striving towards that analog quality and technique. Even the physical layout of the Max patch is reminiscent of a modular synth setup, and the program itself is designed with ‘patch cables’ as the method of connection between objects, or actions.

Looking Outwards 02

Natalie Koch; Section A
Looking Outwards 02

When looking through the different provided examples for this blog, one that really stood out to me was the bird photography done by Erlend Haarberg in As someone who has done photography in the past, I know how challenging it can be to capture things in motion, such as birds. There’s a lot of work that needs to go into camera settings to ensure an in focus picture. Setting a camera with the correct settings for pictures like these is an algorithm in itself. When setting a camera, you need to pay attention to things like shutter speed and aperture. The pictures of birds clearly seen flying and the pictures of birds silhouetted against the skyline require different settings, so Haarberg had to have the end result in mind when setting his camera for these shots. All of these pictures are artistic in different ways, so Haarberg had to use his artistic sensibilities to make sure the photos came out the way he wanted them to.

“Rock Ptarmigan Flight”; the award winning picture:

“Puffin Love”; a silhouette picture: