Project 01


// Ilia Urgen
// Section B

function setup() {
    createCanvas (1000, 1000);     //width is 1000, height is 1000
    background (164,244,255);       //Dark Tan canvas background          
function draw() {                   

    stroke (0);
    strokeWeight (10);

    line (100,40,40,40);
    line (40,40,40,70);
    line (100,70,40,70);
    line (100,100,100,70);
    line (100,100,40,100);

    line (140,40,200,40);
    line (140,40,140,100);
    line (140,100,200,100);
    line (140,70,200,70);

    line (240,40,240,100);
    line (240,100,300,100);

    line (340,40,340,100);
    line (340,40,400,40);
    line (340,70,400,70);

    line (440,70,500,70);

    line (140,140,200,140);
    line (140,140,140,200);
    line (140,170,200,170);
    line (200,140,200,170);

    line (240,140,300,140);
    line (240,140,240,200);
    line (300,140,300,200);
    line (300,200,240,200);

    line (340,140,340,200);
    line (340,140,400,140);
    line (340,170,400,170);
    line (400,140,400,170);
    line (400,200,340,170);

    line (440,140,500,140);
    line (470,140,470,200);

    line (540,140,600,140);
    line (540,140,540,200);
    line (540,170,600,170);
    line (600,170,600,140);
    line (600,200,540,170);

    line (640,140,700,140);
    line (640,140,640,200);
    line (700,140,700,200);
    line (640,170,700,170);

    line (740,140,800,140);
    line (770,140,770,200);
    line (740,200,800,200);

    line (840,140,900,140);
    line (870,140,870,200);

    line (940,140,940,180);
    point (940,200);

    line (780,870,840,870);
    line (810,810,810,870);
    line (780,810,840,810);

    line (880,870,940,870);
    line (940,870,940,810);
    line (880,870,880,810);

    //neck outline
    fill (243,207,187);
    rect (375,850,250,150);        
    //face outline
    fill (243,207,187);                        
    ellipse (500,600,480,660);     

    //left ear
    arc (245,620,80,160,PI + HALF_PI,PI + HALF_PI);  
    //right ear
    arc (755,620,80,160,PI + HALF_PI,PI + HALF_PI);  

    //left eye
    fill (0,0,0);
    ellipse (400,575,110,60);  
    fill (255,255,255);
    ellipse (400,575,90,60); 
    fill (102,51,0);
    ellipse (400,575,60,60);
    fill (0,0,0);
    ellipse (410,575,12,12);
    fill (255,255,255);
    ellipse (413,575,5,5);

    //right eye
    fill (0,0,0);
    ellipse (600,575,110,60);
    fill (255,255,255);
    ellipse (600,575,90,60);
    fill (102,51,0);
    ellipse (600,575,60,60);
    fill (0,0,0);
    ellipse (610,575,12,12);
    fill (255,255,255);
    ellipse (613,575,5,5);

    fill (240,190,180);
    triangle (450,700,500,540,550,700);
    fill (187,0,0);                                              
    quad (375,920,200,1000,800,1000,625,920);

    //t-shirt letters
    stroke (255);
    strokeWeight (6);

    line (395,940,445,940);
    line (395,940,395,980);
    line (395,980,445,980);

    line (475,940,475,980);
    line (475,940,500,980);
    line (500,980,525,940);
    line (525,940,525,980);

    line (555,940,555,980);
    line (555,980,605,980);
    line (605,980,605,940);

    //left eyebrow
    strokeWeight (30);
    stroke (55,39,45);
    arc (400,518,120,30,PI,0);

    //right eyebrow
    strokeWeight (30);
    stroke (55,39,45);
    arc (600,518,120,30,PI,0);

    strokeWeight (8);
    stroke (212,175,55);
    noFill ();
    ellipse (400,575,150,130);
    ellipse (600,575,150,130);
    arc (500,570,52,50,PI,0);
    line (400,510,600,510);
    line (244,535,340,535);
    line (660,535,754,535);

    fill (255);
    stroke (255);
    ellipse (500,790,105,40);

    strokeWeight (35);
    stroke (193,104,115);
    arc (500,800,140,30,0, PI);
    arc (500,780,140,30,PI,0);

    //facial hair
    stroke (55,39,45);
    strokeWeight (2);
    line (434,718,412,753);
    line (437,718,416,752);
    line (440,718,420,751);

    line (443,716,424,750);
    line (446,716,428,749);
    line (449,716,432,748);

    line (452,714,436,747);
    line (455,714,440,746);
    line (458,714,444,745);

    line (461,712,448,744);
    line (464,712,452,743);
    line (467,712,456,742);

    line (470,710,460,741);
    line (473,710,464,740);
    line (476,710,468,740);

    line (479,710,472,740);
    line (482,710,476,740);
    line (485,710,480,740);

    line (488,710,484,740);
    line (491,710,488,740);
    line (494,710,492,740);

    line (497,710,496,740);
    line (500,710,500,740);
    line (503,710,504,740);

    line (506,710,508,740);
    line (509,710,512,740);
    line (512,710,516,740);

    line (515,710,520,740);
    line (518,710,524,740);
    line (521,710,528,740);

    line (524,710,532,740);
    line (527,710,536,740);
    line (530,710,540,741);

    line (533,712,544,742);
    line (536,712,548,743);
    line (539,712,552,744);

    line (542,714,556,745);
    line (545,714,560,746);
    line (548,714,564,747);

    line (551,716,568,748);
    line (554,716,572,749);
    line (557,716,576,750);

    line (560,718,580,751);
    line (563,718,584,752);
    line (566,718,588,753);

    //face lines
    arc (240,625,30,100,HALF_PI, PI + HALF_PI);
    arc (760,625,30,100,PI + HALF_PI, HALF_PI);
    arc (500,875,100,30,PI,0);


    strokeWeight (20);

    curve(300, 20, 290, 510, 500, 270, 970, 630);
    curve(270, 630, 500, 270, 700, 510, 540, 270);

    curve(300, 70, 290, 510, 500, 276, 970, 600);
    curve(270, 600, 500, 276, 700, 510, 300, 70);

    curve(300, 70, 290, 510, 500, 270, 970, 600);
    curve(270, 600, 500, 270, 700, 510, 300, 70);

    curve(300, 470, 290, 510, 500, 282, 970, 570);
    curve(270, 570, 500, 282, 710, 510, 300, 470);

    curve(100, 470, 290, 510, 500, 270, 970, 570);
    curve(270, 570, 500, 270, 710, 510, 370, 470);

    curve(300, 870, 280, 510, 500, 288, 970, 540);
    curve(270, 540, 500, 288, 720, 510, 300, 870);

    curve(300, 870, 280, 510, 500, 270, 970, 540);
    curve(270, 540, 500, 270, 720, 510, 300, 870);

    curve(300, 1070, 290, 510, 500, 294, 970, 540);
    curve(270, 540, 500, 294, 710, 510, 330, 1070);

    curve(300, 1070, 300, 510, 500, 294, 970, 540);
    curve(270, 540, 500, 294, 710, 510, 320, 1070);

    curve(300, 1070, 290, 510, 500, 270, 970, 540);
    curve(270, 540, 500, 270, 710, 510, 300, 1070);

    curve(300, 1370, 290, 510, 500, 270, 970, 540);
    curve(270, 540, 500, 270, 710, 510, 200, 1370);

    curve(500, 1070, 280, 510, 500, 300, 970, 540);
    curve(270, 540, 500, 300, 720, 510, 300, 1070);

    curve(500, 1070, 280, 510, 500, 270, 970, 540);
    curve(270, 540, 500, 270, 720, 510, 250, 1070);

    curve(700, 1070, 290, 500, 500, 306, 970, 540);
    curve(270, 540, 500, 306, 710, 500, 300, 1270);

    curve(700, 1070, 290, 500, 500, 270, 970, 540);
    curve(270, 540, 500, 270, 710, 500, 200, 1270);

    curve(700, 1070, 280, 500, 500, 312, 970, 540);
    curve(270, 540, 500, 312, 710, 500, 300, 1270);

    curve(700, 1070, 280, 500, 500, 270, 970, 540);
    curve(270, 540, 500, 270, 710, 500, 300, 1270);

    curve(700, 1070, 290, 500, 500, 318, 970, 540);
    curve(270, 540, 500, 318, 720, 500, 300, 1270);

    curve(700, 1070, 290, 500, 500, 270, 970, 540);
    curve(270, 540, 500, 270, 720, 500, 300, 1270);

    curve(200, 1070, 290, 500, 500, 306, 970, 540);
    curve(270, 540, 500, 306, 710, 500, 500, 1270);

    curve(100, 1070, 290, 500, 500, 326, 970, 540);
    curve(270, 540, 500, 306, 710, 500, 600, 1270);

    curve(500, 1070, 290, 500, 500, 306, 970, 540);
    curve(270, 540, 500, 306, 710, 500, 700, 1270);

    curve(50, 1070, 290, 500, 500, 306, 970, 540);
    curve(270, 540, 500, 306, 710, 500, 800, 1270);

    curve(0, 1070, 290, 500, 500, 306, 970, 540);
    curve(270, 540, 500, 306, 710, 500, 900, 1270);

    curve(0, 470, 290, 500, 500, 306, 970, 540);
    curve(270, 540, 500, 306, 710, 500, 900, 470);
    curve(0, 470, 290, 500, 500, 306, 970, 540);
    curve(270, 540, 500, 306, 710, 500, 900, 570);

    curve(0, 270, 290, 500, 500, 326, 970, 540);
    curve(270, 540, 500, 326, 710, 500, 900, 670);


Project 01 Self Portrait Hannah Wyatt

This is my project

function setup() {
    createCanvas(500, 300);

function draw() {


Project 1: My Self Portrait

sketch (self portrait)
function setup() {
    createCanvas(300, 300);
    text("p5.js vers 0.9.0 test.", 10, 15);

function draw() {
    background(186, 215, 190);
    ellipse(150, 155, 170, 190); 
    fill(239, 222, 205);
    fill(239, 222, 205);
    rect(125, 150, 50, 100);  //neck
    ellipse( (width/2), (height/2) , 100, 120);
    fill(252, 252, 252);
    ellipse(130, 140, 15, 9); // left socket
    fill(102, 51, 0);
    circle(130, 140, 7);  // Pupil (left)
    circle(130, 140, 2);  // iris (right)
    fill(252, 252, 252); 
    ellipse(170, 140, 15, 9);  // right socket
    fill(102, 51, 0);
    circle(170, 140, 7);   // pupil (right)
    circle(170, 140, 2);  // iris(right)
    arc(130, 130, 22, 5, radians(180), radians(360));  // left eyebrow. I learned this by looking it up. by wrapping degrees in radians I can work in degrees!
    arc(170, 130, 22, 5, radians(180), radians(360));
    fill(232, 214, 197);
    triangle(150, 148, 145, 170, 155, 170);
    point(131, 150); // freckles!!
    point(135, 154);
    point(127, 152);
    point(123, 150);
    point(119, 152);
    point(116, 158);
    point(126, 156);
    point(130, 158);
    point(171, 150);
    point(175, 154);
    point(167, 152);
    point(163, 150);
    point(159, 152);
    point(156, 158);
    point(166, 156);
    point(170, 158);
    fill(238, 131, 163); 
    arc(150, 180, 40, 23, radians(0), radians(180)); // lips!
    arc(150, 182, 30, 15, radians(0), radians(180));
    // arc(150, 100, )
    ellipse(150, 86, 60,32);
    arc(130, 100, 40, 23, radians(0), radians(180));
    arc(170, 100, 40, 23, radians(0), radians(180));
    circle(130, 90, 32);
    circle(170, 90, 32);
    fill(112, 171, 149);        //shirt
    ellipse(150,305, 130, 160);
    ellipse(70, 130, 20, 30); //HAIR
    ellipse(80, 110, 20, 30);
    ellipse(90, 100, 20, 30);
    ellipse(100, 90, 20, 30);
    ellipse(68, 150, 20, 30);
    ellipse(68, 170, 20, 30);
    ellipse(70, 190, 20, 30);
    ellipse(80, 210, 20, 30);
    ellipse(90, 230, 20, 30);
    ellipse(100,240, 20, 30);
    ellipse(230, 130, 20, 30);
    ellipse(220, 110, 20, 30);
    ellipse(210, 100, 20, 30);
    ellipse(100, 90, 20, 30);
    ellipse(230, 150, 20, 30);  // 230- 68= 162 (+162)
    ellipse(230, 170, 20, 30);
    ellipse(230, 190, 20, 30);
    ellipse(220, 210, 20, 30);
    ellipse(210, 230, 20, 30);
    ellipse(200, 240, 20, 30);

Blog 01

A piece of art that I am focusing on is “In Harmonicity, The Tonal Walkway” by Julianne Schwartz, linked here, text courtesy of the artist. The piece is located at MASS MoCA in North Adams Massachusetts and it is a hallway filled with various sounds, voices, singing, etc, that change based on your proximity to them. I admire how the work of art engages the audience in different ways and makes them disoriented just based on sound. I find this interesting because the hallway is necessary for patrons to use to access various parts of the museum, so there is no way to avoid the discomfort that the hallway can cause. Schwartz recorded 24 amateur and professional singers aging from 7-75. They were recorded in different spaces and from different distances to create different tonal qualities. To the best of my knowledge Schwartz solely recorded the individuals using off the shelf microphones but changed the environment in which the microphones were used. This piece was particularly inspired by peoples emotions and the complex relationships that take place between 2 or more people. This piece of art in particular opens up the conversation about the ways in which we can portray relationships in art, especially using non-visual mediums.

Looking Outwards 01: The Impact of  “Can’t Help Myself” by Sun Yuan and Peng Yu

Alexia Forsyth

Aug 31, 2022

15-104 Section A

The Impact of  “Can’t Help Myself” by Sun Yuan and Peng Yu

“Can’t Help Myself” is the embodiment of trying to dig yourself out of a hole. I’ve never seen another piece that visually describes what can usually not be put into words. The project is unique in its unapologetic devastation. I think the piece is really relevant in this current social climate, where mental health issues are most concerning in our generation. Essentially, the robot repeatedly attempts to scrape up red fluid. It turns and the red splatters more, when it looks back, the red has just spread back to its original mess. The machine is incapable of stopping, of learning. It quite literally cannot help itself. Sun Yuan and Peng Yu were commissioned by the Guggenheim Museum in 2016. As the years have passed, the robot has rusted and slowed, creating a dismal scene. The artists created the code themselves and gave the robot 32 series of movements like “bow and shake” or “scratch an itch”. This robot’s life long mission will lead to nowhere and be the death of it. The piece shines a light on issues that will continue to ravage the world, almost to no end. Looking at the political world, it is interesting to think about the impact of change and big concepts like the meaning of life and so on. The video can be found here:

Work Cited

Hampsink, Iris Olde. “Can’t Help Myself – How a Relatable Robot Offers a Critical Reflection on Modern Society.” Diggit Magazine, 28 Feb. 2022, 

LO: Generative Art

aDiatomea is a complex artificial life system produced by Markos R. Kay, a multidisciplinary artist focused on exploring biology and conducting a-life research through screen-based media & generative art. Fully generated with a mathematical equation capable of reproducing organic lifeforms, Kay’s microscopic organisms – also known as Diatoms – are injected with granular sound to act as their external force of life as they interact with the environment as well as one another. At its very core, aDiatomea is an evolutionary algorithm made up of particles placed randomly within 3 dimensions, each with a confining parameter that limits how far they can spread from their initial number. Driven by sound and randomness, the diatoms grow, evolve, and interact with the conditions of the environment, enabling the process that we know as artificial life.

Aside from being an (r)evolutionary artist, Markos Kay is a digital scientist and “genetic engineer.” His works are often beyond even the scope of both modern art and science. As a digital artist mesmerized by the integration of generative visual media with other fields of research, I am beyond envious of both Kay’s abilities as a programmer as well as his imagination as an artist.

Markos R. Kay, aDiatomea, 2008

LO: My Inspiration

Title: Threads
Author: Bill Ralph

Bill Ralph is a mathematician, artist and professor at Brock University in Canada. He is interested in the intersection of math and art, as his pieces are made entirely from mathematical scripts and formulas transformed into computer code. He creates his artworks using a loop and randomizing system, which can continuously auto generate variations of his pieces within minutes. He is greatly influenced and inspired by the works of Leonardo da Vinci, such as Vitruvian Man, Mona Lisa and the Last Supper. They both share the belief that there is no art without mathematical logic. I believe his work and approach have a lot of future potential in terms of AI generated art. If any imagery can be translated into a mathematical algorithm and be manipulatable by simply changing parameters, an unlimited amount of artwork and its variations can be generated within seconds. I am a huge fan of his pieces because at first they look creative, abstract and random without any logic at all. I could not tell that there is an entire mathematical system behind each piece. The viewer would assume that he is a typical abstract artist and will draw in an uncontrolled, fluid motion. However it is actually quite the opposite, he strategically knows exactly what shapes he’ll create and the exact position of them.

Project 01-Face

this is my project

//Aarnav Patel
//Section D

function setup() {
    createCanvas(500, 500);
var pos = (500 / 7 / 2);

function draw() {
	var randomR = random(1, 256);
	var randomG = random(1, 256);
	var randomB = random(1, 256);
	if (mouseIsPressed) {
	    background(randomR, randomG, randomB);
	ellipse(width / 2, height, width / 1.5, height);
	fill(221, 161, 119);
	ellipse((width / 2), (height / 2), (width / 3),  (width / 2));

	ellipse((width / 2), ((height / 2) - (width / 3 / 2)), (width / 3), (width / 4));
	rect((width / 2) - ((width / 3 / 2)) - 10, ((height / 2) - 50), 20, 50);
	rect((width / 2) + ((width / 3 / 2)) - 10, ((height / 2) - 50), 20, 50)
	triangle((width / 2) - ((width / 3 / 2)) - 10, ((height / 2) - 50), (width / 2) - ((width / 3) / 2), ((height / 2) - (width / 3 / 2)), (width / 2) + ((width / 3 / 2)) + 10, ((height / 2) - 50));
	triangle((width / 2) - ((width / 3 / 2)) - 10, ((height / 2) - 50), (width / 2) + ((width / 3) / 2), ((height / 2) - (width / 3 / 2)), (width / 2) + ((width / 3 / 2)) + 10, ((height / 2) - 50));

	ellipse((width / 2) - ((width / 3) / 4), (height / 2), 10);
	ellipse((width / 2) + ((width / 3) / 4), (height / 2), 10);

	fill(170, 130, 100);
	ellipse((width / 2), (height / 2) + 50, 50);
	fill(221, 161, 119);
	ellipse((width / 2), (height / 2) + 40, 50);

	rect((width / 2) - ((width / 10) / 2), (height / 2) + 100, (width / 10), 3);


Blog – 01

One of the computational projects that inspired me was the animation in Pixar’s Brave. Specifically, the animation of Merida’s hair. Pixar spent three years developing the software, called Taz, that was needed to properly animate her hair. The movie production took four years. Taz made sure the interactions between the strands of hair were accurate and that each coil maintained its bounce and shape. It was also used to give Merida’s hair the realistic volume and movement that curly hair would have. Additionally, they used another software to imitate the way curly hair reacts to light.

Before Merida, animations mainly had straight hair since the technology for curly/wavy hair hadn’t been developed. Both Disney and Pixar have been wanting to animate characters with curly hair. For example, Ariel in “The Little Mermaid” was originally supposed to have wavy hair. Even Tiana in “Princess and the Frog” alludes to having curly hair with small face-framing pieces, however, her hair is tied back for most of the movie so it can’t be properly seen. Growing up with wavy/curly hair and seeing my favorite characters have straight shiny hair, impacted how I saw my hair and as a result made me wish my hair was also straight. With this technology, animators had the ability to create characters with diverse hair, which leads to more representation. We are starting to see this now, with characters in more recent films such as “Encanto”.

Project – 01

This is my project

function setup() {
    createCanvas(600, 792);

function draw() {
    fill(60, 20, 54);                //purple1 
            vertex(237.91, 189.02);
            vertex(353.36, 180.34);
            vertex(374.09, 500.85);
            vertex(353.36, 573.62);
            vertex(310.47, 655.23);
            vertex(216.51, 626.64);
            vertex(156.26, 571.49);
            vertex(134.81, 519.4);
            vertex(119.49, 417.79);
    fill(76, 28, 90);                //purple2
            vertex(353.36, 180.34);
            vertex(342.26, 420.62);
            vertex(317.23, 379.83);
            vertex(311.58, 386.17);
            vertex(322.24, 406.59);
            vertex(328.48, 398.95);
            vertex(376.85, 511.23);
            vertex(353.36, 581.7);
            vertex(310.47, 655.23);
            vertex(163.4, 554.13);
            vertex(134.81, 440.77);
            vertex(156.26, 427.49);
            vertex(163.4, 386.64);
            vertex(182.81, 401.96);
            vertex(235.91, 415.23);
            vertex(218.55, 378.47);
            vertex(219.57, 359.06);
            vertex(195.06, 342.72);
            vertex(202.21, 305.96);
            vertex(234.89, 262.04);
            vertex(234.89, 233.45);
            vertex(256.34, 196.68);
            vertex(306, 196.68);
    fill(126, 53, 79);                 //purple3
            vertex(355.53, 181.45);
            vertex(256.13, 212.85);
            vertex(217.06, 330.81);
            vertex(237.91, 337.7);
            vertex(232.38, 376.77);
            vertex(256.13, 425.79);
            vertex(189.49, 416.6);
            vertex(161.15, 464.85);
            vertex(225.49, 532.26);
            vertex(227.79, 543.74);
            vertex(208.64, 556.77);
            vertex(237.91, 583.57);
            vertex(256.13, 579.32);
            vertex(242.85, 533.02);
            vertex(264, 534.55);
            vertex(285.23, 521.79);
            vertex(306, 527.66);
            vertex(299.87, 494.72);
            vertex(318.17, 465.62);
            vertex(335.79, 457.96);
            vertex(335.79, 479.4);
            vertex(323.36, 474.64);
            vertex(309.57, 495.57);
            vertex(332.47, 499.57);
            vertex(345.49, 491.4);
            vertex(366.17, 509.53);
            vertex(355.53, 521.79);
            vertex(318.6, 526.72);
            vertex(327.79, 540.34);
            vertex(314.34, 546.81);
            vertex(336.3, 597.53);
            vertex(284.21, 609.11);
            vertex(296.13, 641.79);
            vertex(329.15, 670.38);
            vertex(386.34, 661.19);
            vertex(455.86, 508.05);
            vertex(334.51, 368.6);
            vertex(339.87, 419);
            vertex(321.49, 429.87);
            vertex(308.51, 369.62);
            vertex(333.23, 369.36);

    fill(78, 34, 6);                     //brown1
            vertex(180.04, 365.83);
            vertex(197.91, 346.81);
            vertex(233.49, 335.4);
            vertex(308.21, 353.79);
            vertex(304.64, 362.3);
            vertex(224.98, 359.4);
            vertex(195.02, 369.62);
            vertex(180.04, 365.83);
            vertex(388.04, 399.14);
            vertex(404.04, 352.51);
            vertex(474.85, 324.51);
            vertex(474.85, 381.36);
            vertex(470.6, 392.47);
            vertex(480.98, 416.54);
            vertex(478, 494.72);
            vertex(457.83, 526.38);
            vertex(447.23, 575.4);
            vertex(410.24, 623.47);
            vertex(251.36, 540); 
            vertex(283.53, 548.51);
            vertex(419.84, 539.28); 
            vertex(168.16, 588.76);
            vertex(211.7, 623.47);
            vertex(314.34, 656.48); 
            vertex(326.55, 668.27);
            vertex(342.77, 668.76);
            vertex(373.06, 792); 
            vertex(145.06, 792); 

    fill(130, 69, 20); 
            vertex(237.91, 335.4);
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