My Inspiration

Evette LaComb
Mario Kart 8

  • What do you admire about the project, and why do you admire these aspects of it?
    I admire Mario Kart 8 because of the fluency of interaction between the player and the system. I enjoy the customization of the cars as well as the choice of tracks. I enjoy the random features such as the ability cubes, as well as the skill based aspect of the game play.
  • Who created it and how long did it take them to create it?
    Nintendo created the game directed by Kosuke Yabuki. The game took two years to develop.
  • To the best of your knowledge, did creating this project require the development of custom software/scripts, or did the authors create the project using “off-the-shelf” (commercial) software?
    I believe Nintendo used custom software
  • What prior works might the project’s creators have been inspired by?
    The project’s creators were inspired by previous games in the series as well as other racing games of the time.
  • To what opportunities or futures does the project point, if any?
    I think this game points to a future of racing games, as well as party games. The random features of the game make it less serious, and I think a lot of Nintendo’s games especially in the Mario universe reflect that. Hopefully we can look forward to more surprising and exciting games to play with friends and family in the future.
  • Provide a link (if possible) to the work, and a full author and title reference.

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