Lo My Inspiration

September 3, 2022
I’ve always enjoyed exhibits at museums that were interactive and changed depending on input. I remember as a kid going to museums in San Francisco with my parents and always gravitating towards them. More recently I visited SFMoMA and they had an interesting piece which appeared to just be a drum set in the middle of a room with strips of cloth hanging from the ceiling on wires. When someone went up and started playing the drums, lights would turn the room red and smaller white lights would flicker around depending on tempo and volume. Now that I’m thinking about it, it doesn’t seem as cool as I thought it was but I think I really enjoyed it in the moment because of the interactive aspect and immediate results.
I’m assuming that the artist had to create some sort of program in order to achieve the desired effect and they might have taken inspiration from strobe lights or other things of that sort from concerts that also react according to beat and tempo etc.
I can’t remember the name of the artist and couldn’t find the exhibit on the MoMA website. Link to MoMa.

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