LO 02: Generative Art

I am inspired by the work Flow Field Coloring by Juhani Halkomaki (from openprocessing.org). I think this project is really beautiful in the way it represents abstract art, shapes, and colors. This work is an interactive dynamic image of moving curved lines on the canvas that transform as the
mouse is moved across the screen. I am able to interact with this piece to create my own piece of art within an already defined system. The way the colors slowly transition and the lines move across the page is mesmerizing. The algorithm within this project, I would assume, incorporates code for the initial generated swirling shape and randomizes how each line flows between the defined points. The algorithm tracks the mouse and moves the lines and creates new colors. The creator incorporates their artistic vision in the piece in two ways where one is the interactive movement of the user’s mouse across the canvas, creating a harmony of different colors, and the other is when the image is static and shows the resulting abstract art that has resulted from the user.

Link to artwork

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