
No. 001 | Arcs 21 – Lia (2018)

The Arcs 21 project by Lia was made using Processing code and AxiDraw, a mechanical plotter–a calculated process, yet the final piece is as compelling as a drawing done by hand.

One of the most important aspects of creation is the process between the conception and execution of an idea. Pieces I find most compelling show bits of the process and the artist’s mind at a glance. To be transparent, I used to look down on computer-generated art for this reason. Computers to me were always cold and calculating, and I had the notion that anything that was processed through a computer would end up just as emotionless. I thought I wouldn’t be able to sense anything about the artist through a generated piece.

I was confused when I first saw No. 001. There were clusters of thin pen strokes that were playful, yet perfectly placed. Some of the other pieces felt too “obvious,” but No. 001 really felt like a piece from the artist’s heart. I was reminded of tree bark, desert sand, and the expressive ink exercises I did last year for Design. I think I feel especially attached to this piece because it has the ability to make me think about things I’ve experienced.

Mechanical Plotter Drawings – Arcs 21 from Lia on Vimeo.

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