The Foldable Fractal

The project I found that I admire is “Foldable Fractal 2.0” by David Dessens who is a generative artist. This project was from 2008.

I admire the visual look of it a lot. It is mesmerizing and beautiful to just look at. It is also gives off clock vibes to me, and makes me think of time passing or gears turning, even though the sculpture does not move. The design of it is simple as well, it seems to just be a pattern of hexagons that repeat within each other to create the structure. I admire how peaceful it seems too. It is a design that invites the viewer to stare and dissect.

The algorithms that were used to generate this art was through using a recursive algorithm that is based on a lindermayer system. It uses a recursive algorithm of a pentagon shape after folding a pentagonal dodecahedron. I believe the artist used a program called Generator.x 2.0 to build the algorithm and sculpture.

“Foldable Fractal 2.0” by David Dessen (2008)

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