Looking Outwards 04: Sound Art

SuperSynthesis: Amay Kataria (March 11, 2022 to April 1, 2022

The light and sound supersynthesis by Amay Kataria was extremely inspirational  and intriguing. As a designer I know the importance of light and how it is interpreted by our target audience, however, I had never thought about exploring its synergy with sound. I really admire how individual users around can influence the light and sound generated through the parametric structure, and how it creates an environment of meditation and immersiveness. I also like this particular work as I myself have grown up in a traditional Indian household, where sounds in a spiritual context are meditative experiences, just like they were for the artist. I also admire how the parametric structure was derived from waves into a ‘non-archetypical form’, which further boosted the immersiveness of the whole project in my opinion. The fact that light and sound are treated as the most sensory phenomenon, combining the two really made sense. I do have base level knowledge of how the lights were created and connected to the architecture of the structure, but I am not sure about how the application of algorithms work with each individual user controlling one aspect of it. I feel that the artist’s vision manifested really well, and turned out just like he had envisioned it, and that is creating a ‘supersynthesis’ between light and sound, thus creating an immersive experience.


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