Looking Outwards – 04

“5 Horizons” Installation by Ryoichi Kurokawa

The artwork “5 Horizons” is an audiovisual installation created by Japanese artist Ryoichi Kurokawa. Created in 2010, it is made up of five screens and speakers. The experince is an eight minutes long loop. He builds his structures with recordings and digitally-made structures. Kurokawa synthesizes the image to the sound, creating a very cool, immersive spatial experience for the viewers. I admire the layering of this installation, not only between the sound and imagery, but also how the imagery is able to morph (from dynamic waves to nature scenes and so on)! It is very well executed for all the moving parts. With further research, Kurokawa is interested in synesthtesia which you can see come though his work as he blends together the visual and audtiory senses. He also is inspired by nature, and it very interesting to see how he blurs the boundary between the natural and digital world in this installation.

Title : 5 Horizons
Artist : Ryoichi Kurokawa

Links : http://www.ryoichikurokawa.com/project/r5h.html

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