Looking Outwards-04

The most recent iteration, ‘FORMS – String Quartet,’ invites musicians on stage to interpret a series of graphic scores, which build up the visual scenery, giving the audience the experience of anticipating the “music to come.” Each instrument on the score is identified by a color code, with white representing the random engine itself. This performance was recorded in collaboration with the Brossa String Quartet at Barcelona’s CosmoCaixa Science Museum in April 2021, as part of the art+science NEO cycle curated by Irma Vilà and Pau Alsina. According to their website, ​​the generative graphics were written in Processing, while the image sonification was done in Max/MSP. The part that I was most intrigued by was how music/sound could be visualized in a sense. And it’s not just any visuals but interactive visuals with cool light effects. That could be a way for people with hearing impairments to enjoy music. I think this style of performance has excellent potential.


Forms – String Quartet – Irma Vilà and Pau Alsina

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