Blog 4

Don Ritter’s piece, Intersection creates an experience that truly tests and separates the sense of hearing from the others. In a pitch dark room, the participant is to walk into a room with nothing but sounds. Sounds of cars passing by, as if you were in the middle of a busy intersection. This experience that lacks sight, and essentially all three other senses as well really gets the participant to listen. I assume the purpose is to create an experience that evokes anxiety and fear, scared that a car is approaching but not knowing from where. Like many other projects of his, like These Essences, aims to unsettle viewers with extremely vivid sounds that are in some cases assisted with very unusual and textural images. The combination of two and sometimes just the sound creates sounds that are beyond just sound, but enough to very effectively penetrate the visitors’ mind through sound. The way these sounds are created are likely using visuals that accompany the sounds to engineer the sounds so that just the sounds alone can paint or evoke the feelings of the visuals much more powerfully than the image can. I think it is a combination of AI that understands sounds and codes that amplifies certain patterns of sound that we are sensitive to.

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