Favour -Looking Outwards 02

This project by Michael Hansmeyer is called The White Tower, and is a 29-meter tall tower which is entirely 3D printed. Things I admire about the project apart from its monumentality, is how the patterns were coded to create a spatial atmosphere. I enjoy that the shape was generated by code, because you can see how perfect each pattern is, how incredibly symmetrical each pair of pillars are, as they wrap perfectly around the structure, forming different kaleidoscope-like patterns. The White Tower will be 3D printed using a concrete extrusion process. In this new-age fabrication process, a robot applies 5mm thin layers of soft concrete through a nozzle. For the design process, digital technologies are used. It is not mentioned what the specific software is called but it is a generative modeling software which likely runs with Python as language. Without custom software, precise geometrical definition would not be possible. Michael’s artistic abilities manifest through the types of patterns used and how many are used at a certain time. The scale of these patterns also impact the design, as well as how the architect planned the pillar placements, bevels and embellishments to create different types of pillars on one project.

The White Tower- render