April 14, 2022, 12:20PM to 2:10PM

Today we will meet individually with each group to help resolve any remaining questions related to producing a final piece.


The deadlines and deliverables for the final performance project are outlined on the project brief.

We will have a few musicians available around 1:30PM Tuesday (until the end of class) for more live testing.

Tentative tech rehearsal: Fri Apr 29 @ 2PM. We’re working on resolving the precise installation schedule.

The planned performance time is Fri Apr 29 8:30-10:00PM.

In Class

We will be meeting with each group. Please be prepared to discuss the following.

  1. Any updates to the materials needs and timeline worksheet.
  2. Any updates to the benchmarks for the coming week.


  1. The next progress post is due April 19.
  2. Complete the work that your team outlined for your next benchmark for Tuesday, April 19.