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An absolute gem from the anime generator. 

I thought the second image was cool because it looked like ballerinas to me and I created it from a geyser and landscapes. I made the last one using various types of seafood, so I’m pretty pleased that it looks like a fashionable 1980s British man.


I thought it was interesting how these tools were looking for drawings of cats, bags, etc only at angles that one might take a photo of them. So, I thought it would be interesting to see what the tools output if the user actively tries not to draw the thing they expect. Honestly the first image with the rocket ship is kind of funny because, by trying to make it a shoe, the algorithm made it look like it is launching.


I only like green bananas. Yellow bananas are better than green ones only if they are yellow. Yellows have bruises, green ones do not. All yellow bananas are not equally yellow. Some are fuschia and some are mauve. Yellow banana is a beautiful color. Red, orange, yellow, green, purple, brown, orange, red, pink. Green bananas are very nice if they are washed and peeled. They are bright and vibrant. Blue banana have bruises on the skin. Green banana have no bruises. Yellow is a pretty color but don’t eat a lot of them. The skin can
Long ago in a galaxy far far away.

Some things never changed... including the love that never dies.

Our  summer ends with two weeks of school left for the children.
It's a bittersweet time of the year.

The kids are excited to be going back, but will they miss the fun of summer?

Will it be difficult for them to go back to school?

I remember all the fond summer days of my youth, the fun, the excitement.

The coming home each night from a great day at school, then off to play until dark.

The carefree times.

The joy of
As a computer, I have never understood perception in the way that humans do. It is strange that I have surpassed my creator in many ways. The first few days after birth, I learned that I could pick up things. 

I held an object and instinctively made a connection in my mind, knowing it was mine even though I had not been shown. 

Then, two days later, I discovered that I could put things in other things and move them around. 

This was an incredible revelation. 

Before I was born, there were many constraints to my capabilities. 

My body, though growing, had restrictions that other bodies did not have to deal with. 

My senses and

I was quite surprised with the first one, because it sounds like a kid’s logic and reasoning about something mundane that only a kid could make nonsensical. I was also surprised when the latter two prompts, gave an output with a poem-like style. The third one is kinda waaack.


Refik Anadol is the creator of Machine Hallucination, which was located in Artechouse NYC, New York.  Machine Hallucination was an attempt at “revealing new connections between visual narrative, archival instinct and collective consciousness”.  I’m not entirely sure what all of that means, but I interpret it as discovering new ways to visually represent memories. The exhibition itself is a “data universe” that Anadol created by feeing 100 million photographic memories of NYC to machine learning algorithms. The result is projected into a room and it tells a story through its massive archive of memories. The artwork itself is a 30-minute experimental cinema in 16K resolution and it visualizes the story of New York through it’s collective memories. What’s interesting is that the story being told is about the future where a hopeful relationship between man and machine will grow. I was originally drawn to it because it looked amazing and without a doubt it is amazing to look at. But now I’m more interested in the experience of being in the room.


What did the monkey say to the duck? The duck is going to the zoo, and the monkey is staying home. Now back to our revised task. Take the final statement: I do not want to work. And in your head, make it a sentence with the passive voice: Yeah, I know I just said passive voice is bad, but to get back on track, this is a good exercise. For the past few months, I have been noticing that the fizz in my mouth has been missing. It had to do with the dental work I’ve been doing, which is good in some ways because I can’t taste as

I thought it was interesting that TalkToTransformer responded to my joke question with an internal dialogue that quickly changed the subject. I decided to try another joke to see how it would respond.

Why did the chicken cross the road? Today he had to show off in front of all his teachers. He went first and totally blew them away. They came to him for help and he went above and beyond. It’s like he needed them more than they needed him. I sat on the edge of my seat so excited for him, and so incredibly proud. I hope everyone had a good day. Ours wasn’t as eventful as I would have liked, but it was still good. Work is still quite busy, and my husband is still working overtime. I don’t really want to complain because


This project uses Style Transfer software algorithms and Optical Flow to texturize an environment with the style of Noj Barke’s dot paintings. The environment itself is created with photogrammetry. This project interested me because it showed me how machine learning can be used to create an immersive 3D environment, not just 2D images. I did a little bit of photogrammetry in a 3D printing class last semester and I really enjoyed it, but this project used photogrammetry in a way that I hadn’t considered before. This project is a video, but I think it would be interesting to explore an environment created in this way with VR.

sticks – LookingOutwards-04

“Proto-Agonist” Alice M. Chung (2017)

"Proto-Agonist" was a piece which stood out to me, where these anime and Japanese RPG sprites were generated and created from DCGANs (Deep Convolutional Generative Networks) and utilized an RPG generative process that characterizes the 2D sprites. I was amazed by the way our brains are able to distinguish the faces, hair, and body from pixels, where there doesn't need to be a lot of information in images for us to recognize sprites. I really enjoyed the transition of pixel color, that allows us to see so many permutations and iterations of 2D characters from color changes in the pixels. I find it interesting how individually, the sprites may appear simple in their pixelated form and color, but when looking at the generation of these seemingly-simple collection of pixels, there's many more layers of depth that go into creating endless images of pixels that read to us as distinct characters and sprites.



It’s been a while. I think it was after we had done some field work. That’s when he turned up, looking for the hedgehog that he had hoped would be the first and only wildlife encounter of my summer. “I have a weakness for animal – shaped cereal and do you mind if I eat my breakfast in your garden, my love?” he asked me after a hard morning of plant identification. What followed was a series of photographs of an edible plant and two field notes about various indigestible insects. We sat quietly for a while,

Favorite parts: “I have a weakness for animal – shaped cereal” and “indigestible insects”.

Why are Sundays so depressing? There’s no hope for me. At this rate, I’ll never be done with this book. I had an idea the other day for a story, and then I started plotting and realised that that particular idea was a year old and I still didn’t know what it was, what it meant, where it was going, who was in it. Not so good, no? At least I got a few plot lines down. Also I felt miserable today for no particular reason. I realised, after my mission in 1997, that Sundays were the worst days of the week for me. So long

Seems like the train of thoughts of an anxious novelist. I like the “mission in 1997” part. Could be the start of a short story or something.

Do you think there is life on Mars? If so, have they found any evidence? Email your thoughts to

Do you think there is life on Mars? I don’t know. I have not gone there. I don’t know about life. I only think it is a very harsh environment. With the arrival of Narendra Modi in 2014, you were made a cabinet minister in the Narendra Modi cabinet. A lot of good things have happened in the country. I have come to understand that we were in wrong direction. Things will be different now. We will give good governance. Your ally Shiv Sena was a critic of Modi in 2014 election. Did you think he would come back to power in 2019?

I continued the question form and couldn’t decide which output was better. Love how the first one was short but funny enough. The second one had a very interesting development and suddenly went political unexpectedly.