Student Area

yanwen – Artbreeder

I enjoyed playing around with the different gene categories in the general model. The results are quite unexpected and it’s fascinating to see that the influence of each gene is not entirely evenly distributed.

Besides the general model, I also tried the portraits model. I got these interesting results when I kept all other genes the same but only adjusted the ethnicity values from one end to another.


somewhat accurate?
it actually looks like a bunny
pretty accurate
looks more like a yacht
it actually looks like a chair

I really enjoyed exploring this tool! I tried drawing in three ways (something that fits my understanding of the object, a more stylized version, and unrelated object) for edges2cats and edges2shoes and got some interesting results.


Forma Fluens collects over 100,000 doodle drawings from the game QuickDraw. The drawings represent participants’ direct thinking and offer a glimpse of collective expression of the society. By using this data collection, the artists tried to explore if we could learn how people see and remember things in relation to their local culture with the help of data analysis.

The three modes of Forma Fluens, DoodleMaps, Points in Movement, and Icono Lap, all present different insights into how people from each culture process their observations. DoodleMaps show the doodle results organized with t-SNE map, Points in Movement displays animations of how millions of drawings overlap in similar ways, and Icono Lap generates new icons from the overlap of these doodle drawings.

The part that draws my attention the most is how distinct convergence and divergence can happen with objects that we thought we might have common understandings of. Another highlight from the project is how the doodle results tell stories of different cultures, which may suggest that in a similar cultural atmosphere people observe and express in similar ways.


There are three corgis around the corner of the red house. 

The people are not staying there, only dog people live there. There are also two kittens living on the porch. I get to play with the kittens and with Alyssa. It is fun to be with Alyssa. She is my teacher's daughter and my friend. We hang out a lot. We have dogs, cats, bunnies, hedgehogs, dogs, and a pony too. I love this place. I really love it. I love to go to Alyssa's house and see the kittens. We get to watch all of the animals and all the kids. It is really cool. Alyssa has
I think I am not good enough for a lot of things that I want. 

I wish so much to be a good mother and be everything that I can for my children. I feel I am not giving my daughter what she needs. I also feel I am not giving my son what he needs. He is turning three and he is so different from my older two. I have noticed that he does not like being alone in a room, no matter how old he gets. He has a need to be surrounded by people. He is very sensitive, and I guess because I love him so much, I want to be able to make him feel safe, and loved.
Soha on youtube is so cute. 

 So many adorable songs. She has a video on making gnocchi that I highly recommend watching. She's amazing! You can hear her accent even more clearly in this video. If you're into her music, I'll give away her whole first album to one lucky commentor on this post! So I thought I'd share some of the recipes I got from her with you. They are SO easy and SO delicious! All of them are easily recreated using whole wheat flour instead of white flour, and they taste so much better too.
The second one is really surprising.


"A piano that responds to you."

This is a project called AI-duet in the AI Experiments by Google collection. I chose this one because even thought it is relatively simple comparing to other projects I browsed, this one for some reason really connected with me. We are always thinking about how ML can help us do things that we don't or cannot do, but in this project, there's this connection you build with the "other person" inside the screen that listens and responds to you. In some sense this is a new method of communication between people and a machine, which I only find to be adorable instead of weird as I would have expected. The way that it "listens" is super intriguing. I think this is actually the first project which I really loved the simplicity.