Student Area


I was just playing around with Teachable Machine, and I found it hard to come up with something cool that I could do with just one hand or no hands (because one hand has to be holding down the webcam button). My first idea was to do hand puppets but I found out most hand puppets require two hands to make the animal, so I decided to do something very simple.

I have 2 classes: one with my hair down, and one with my hair tied back with a ponytail. I kept it simple to train so I could see what it would categorize any gray areas. For example, in the video I tested out one with all my hair down, then my hair moved back without tying it up, using my hand to gather my hair into a ponytail, and then I also tested out how much hair I need to keep in the front to register as class 1. This was a fun and simple experience to do for like 10 minutes!


In the future, AIs will not be built to do the job of their human predecessors, but rather to replicate those functions: self-maintenance, self-adaptation and self-improvement. AI as a ‘service’ will no longer be a means to an end, but an end in itself.

The one prerequisite in an automated economy is that most people understand that they need to create the infrastructure and services for the machines to work. Once this infrastructure is in place, people won’t be burdened with the economic and social consequences.


Once upon a time, in the first grade, I loved to play football.
I was what you might call a “red zone” player.
That is, when I got the ball near the goal line, I’d take off running and get into the end zone (hopefully without falling on my face).
Then I would play dead. The point is, that I was one of the stars on the team. Or so I thought.
One day, while I was running my usual touchdown run, an angry red dragon flew out of the fog behind me and smacked me in the head with his tail.



(shiny blue eyes +_+)



OMG this is so fun! I never used pix2pix before, so I really enjoyed playing around with these. I wished I knew about this when I was little — I definitely would have spent so much time playing with this.




I really liked Draw to Art by Google Creative Lab, Google Arts & Culture Lab, and IYOIYO. Draw to Art is a program that uses ML to match drawings, paintings, sculptures, and many more artworks you could find in the museums around the world to the user’s input drawing.

Not only did I find this educational and informative, I also thought having this interactive program in museums would enhance the museum experience by making the visit to that museum more enjoyable (if the user gets an opportunity to visit the museum). It’s definitely a more interesting method to learn about another piece of art in a museum around the world. If the data the program trained on is limited to pieces from one museum, it could also lead to another game of finding the artwork matched by the program, providing more memorable experience at the museum. There are so many possible positive experiences this program could provide, so I really like the concept of this.

mokka – Looking Outwards 04

Hello Hi There by Annie Dorsen is a performance in which a famous, televised debate between the philosopher Michel Foucault and linguist/activist Noam Chomsky from the 70s and additional text from YouTube, the Bible, Shakespeare, the big hits of western philosophy, and many other sources are utilized as materials for creating a dialogue between two custom-designed chatbots. Annie designed these bots to imitate human conversation/language production while recognizing how the optimism for how natural language programming seemed to have helped us understand the process of human language.

I really enjoyed how this study of human language production quickly turned into a theatrical performance between two instruments of technology(in this case, two laptops). It was striking to see how with all the information that these two laptops were given(seemingly like two brains communicating) even a conversation between these bots was able to digress into completely unrelated topics from the beginning just as humans could, but more humorously and incoherently.


ClearViewAI  really stood out to me since its a technology than can be so easily abused. The unpreparedness of its CEO also made me really concerned since this technology seems extremely dangerous in the hands of the wrong people. This particular point also really emphasizes the importance ethnical computing.

Algorithmic bias also really stood to me and to me highlights the quick need for diversity in the technology we develop.


Whenever I can’t think of anything to do, I ‘m always looking for something to do next week. My problem is that when I have ideas, I have a hard time staying awake long enough to sit down and do it. It takes me forever to do anything. I blame the sleep deprivation, and some bad medication. It’s the kind of day that you don’t want to do anything. The sky is cloudy and threatening rain. I think the chances of rain are 50 / 50.

Listen to your friends and listen to them closely. They will tell you what you need to hear. Trust your instinct and if the scene appears to be superficial or it’s just a cop-out, then it’s time to put the brakes on it. This is when you should act prudently. 2. Do not spend your own money on women. It’s a sin. – Paul 3. Do not flirt with all of the women at a club or party. Most men in the U.S. and Europe flirt with at least 10 women at a party or bar. It’s easy to fall into a number of traps here. 4. Do not offer women money, gifts or favors to get a date.

^(what is this result noooooo)

mokka- GPT -2

I want chicken for dinner. In – N – Out is closed. The Girl Scouts cookies are nowhere to be found. It’s supposed to snow tonight and my tires on my Tahoe are supposed to be the right size, I need to get new windshield wipers, and we need to start Christmas shopping. And then I got an email from our real estate agent and she says our stuff is DONE! There were a few things that had to be fixed in the house and we didn’t get to sign the lease agreement. Bummer. We will get it tomorrow or Monday. Woo hoo! However,
– I love the energy produced here. Most of these sentences had nothing to do with chicken or dinner but were very entertaining to read! The last “However,” is such a mystery to me; I don’t know how to react to it.

I hate people. It’s like they think if they have an opinion, I have to hear it, and if I don’t agree I have to scream my head off and curse them out and all sorts of shit. It really makes me mad. I actually stopped in at work today because I needed to refill my Dunkin ‘Dogs, and I mentioned to my supervisor that I wasn’t feeling well. And it’s not that I want sympathy, I’m sick of hearing about it. I’m already sick of the flu. If someone is sick, they need to stay home. All the rest of us should have
– First of all, the words generated felt angrier than how I was initially feeling, to be honest. Second, Dunkin ‘Dogs??