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An idea that I have is making an augmented mirror with Snap Lens Studio. As these filters are popular on social media, it reminded me of a trend on social media where people would put on a filter that makes them “ugly” and then take it off to boost their self-confidence. My concept is similar in that I want people to recognize their beauty by using my augmented mirror. As everyone has different insecurities about their physical appearances, I think I would either have to make a customizable or a very general augmented mirror, which I will solidify after conducting more research about Snap Lens Studio.


I wanted to go for Golan’s idea of making a one button game. For this I wanted to maximise the fun for this minimal input, my initial reaction was to do something rhythmic or reaction based like geometry dash. However, the mechanics there are a little too simple and basic to the point I’d mostly have to focus on the looks of the piece instead which isn’t what I want to do.

The conclusion was to mix up this rythmic aspect with a combo game, inputs could be based on timing with a moving bar or sheet music where holding or tapping a note could make a difference in full damage attacks or weakened ones. I think the hardest part would be getting all the sound effects for the notes to play when you tap, I’d have to figure out if there was an open database with notes to use already. I think timing wouldn’t be too difficult with the use of timers and maybe an overarching metronome that controls all the time in the game.

Some reach goals could be adding a defending part where you match the notes of the enemy, a fury attack which could  be similar to a solo (but with no way to control the pitch of the sound it would just be a one button mash), making it look nice (proper effects on hit, a pulse metronome in the corner, etc…)


Since I’m so behind on my work, my number one priority for this final project is getting all of that done. This includes:

  1. Deliverables 1B
  2. Deliverables 1C
  3. Deliverables 3C
  4. Deliverables 4

Once I’ve completed those deliverables, if I have any remaining time, I really want to do the following:

  1. Create a website for my SoundCloud clock (and update it, because it’s already starting to decay away with people deleting their songs!)
  2. Refine my Longest Word project, particularly by troll-proofing it and optimizing it for all screen widths and heights

My intention with these two projects is to start building my portfolio, since I’m a rising senior and still don’t have a website to showcase my work! That’s my summer project for myself, so getting a head start on these two things would be helpful.


Idea 1:

Create an interactive, physics pixel-based world with the elements of fire, water, wood and earth. Fire burns wood, water snuffs out fire and flows, wood rots slowly over time, and earth erodes slowly over time.


Idea 2:

Keep working on my previous project to add multiple colors and spectra of color across the lines when multiple people are interacting at once. Also possibly add different shards of color in the shapes created by the intersection of lines.


I am planning on using the looking glass with Unity for my final project to create a piece that is responsive to the user using the makey-makey.

For my concept, I have recently found myself interested in the immediate as well as ultra-long term effects of nuclear war. I have already produced a couple of projects around this concept in other classes regarding the far end of this timeline, but for this class I would like to address the immediate effects.

The piece will consist of:

  1. a foggy, dusty environment with particles and debris flinging around the walls of the looking glass
  2. explosions in the background which may potentially “shake” the camera view of the box, triggered by the makey-makey button
  3. a person or a couple of people who are coughing, running around, and banging on the glass as though they are trying to escape the environment they are in
    1. a default position will be to be sitting curled up in the corner looking miserable. Perhaps I will use a webcam to notice when the user comes so the person can look up at them?


For the final project, I would like to revisit the Telematic project. I did not complete a deliverable for this project due to other class deadlines and exams; however, I wanted to learn how to send things across multiple devices/clients. My main idea for revisiting the telematic project is to create an app that lets friends stay in touch online.

Some ideas I have are daily fortunes sent by friends or “sticky note” drawings that are sent from one user to the other.


I want to make a tool-centric final project, experimenting with training a GAN with images scraped from this ig account:subwayhands.  This was originally an idea for the body tracking project, but I was unable to execute it for that project, so I want to continue with it for the final project.

I think the main reason for wanting to do this project is that after COVID , I became more conscious and paranoid about nyc subways.  While I was in nyc this Christmas I tried to avoid taking the subways, mainly because of health and other safety concerns.  But I still think that nyc subway has its own unique vibes and holds lots of stories. I have followed the Instagram account: subwayhands for a while now, each picture holds a lot of imaginative potentials.

The main challenges for my proposed project are scraping instagram for enough photos to train the GAN, and  whether its possible to make it similar to pix2pix, using webcam captured picture of my hands as the guiding input to generate an nyc subway hand picture.

project sketch: 


One interesting fact I came across while reading Kyle McDonald’s lecture is that they found that just by simulating expressions of certain emotions, their bodies physiologically reacted as if they were truly experiencing those emotions. It goes to show that the phrase “fake it till you make it” really has some truth to it.

A link added in this lecture points to a Microsoft site which encourages users to submit facial data to enable “a seamless and highly secured user experience”. Allowing facial recognition and tracking is an interesting concept because while it does ease the use of certain technologies, it also enables the addition of a more diverse set of faces to a larger dataset, making the dataset more reliable and less biased. This is helpful for advancing inclusion of a wider range of faces which will then lower the discrimination which is currently of issue in many facial recognition softwares. However, there is also the issue where a lack of recognition can be helpful for people in situations such as policing. Having unbiased datasets for facial recognition is both a good and a bad thing depending on what the set is used for, so it is interesting to see arguments for both the benefits and disadvantages of a more advanced and robust dataset.


A work of net art that I came across during my research was Cyberfeminism by Cornelia Sollfrank. This piece of art consisted of Sollfrank generating 200+ fake female artist profiles to submit work in an early net art competition held by a museum in Germany. With the addition of her fake profiles, the museum reported that over 2/3 of the applicants were female. Even so, the top three winners were male artists. This piece was a statement to show how art was primarily judged by the profile of the artist rather than the piece itself.

I really enjoyed this piece because first, it was a very creative way to enter art into a competition – the pieces submitted were not the art, but rather, it was the profiles submitting them. Additionally, I appreciate that the profiles were generated rather than individually created by hand. I also appreciated that the statement comes across very clearly because the results speak for themselves. Sollfrank’s concept was proven and facilitated by the judges; she did not have to say anything in order for her statement to be said.