Class Notes, 14 Nov

Class Notes, 14 Nov

Appropriating technology for form, retaining functionality

Dazzle” was invented in WWI to protect ships from being seen by observers

Automobile designers have used it to protect/hide the shapes of new cars while they are tested on public streets.  Dazzle also prevents digital cameras with auto focus (like your mobile) from focusing on the car.

Now, dazzle is used to modify makeup and hair styles to protect individuals from facial recognition by systems using machine learning/AI software.

Applying one field’s form to another field

In the early days of music video and MTV, many videos were awful.  Video equipment was expensive and out of the budget of bands, but you have a friend who can “borrow” some equipment over the weekend…

The Toy Dolls, “Ellie the Elephant” (which is a classic punk/skater track)

Or you shoot your band playing live in a garage(?) then mix it with footage from movies, Dead Kennedys’ “Holiday in Cambodia

Or you hire an up-and-coming filmmaker and let them do what they do, make a movie, not a “music video”.

Jonathan Demme:  New Order, “The Perfect Kiss“, shown in movie theaters after trailers and before his Talking Heads Movie, “Stop Making Sense“.

Other movies made about music worth watching, Laurie Anderson, “Home of the Brave” and Tom Waits, “Big Time“.




Piccadilly Circus billboard uses recognition technology to deliver targeted adverts

Piccadilly Circus billboard uses recognition technology to deliver targeted adverts

“A new digital billboard in London‘s Piccadilly Circus uses recognition technology to display targeted advertisements based on the make of passing cars, and the gender and age of pedestrians.


Final Project Proposal: Bolaji Bankole


The idea that I want to portray with my project is general apathy/undirectedness being a detriment. The way I want to show this is by creating a robot that has clear goals to move to, but without outside intervention it move very lethargically, making random detours or stopping and is generally not very motivated.

However, motivation is not impossible to find, so if a viewer was to wave near the robot/nudge it in the right direction, it gets to where it needs to be faster.

  • A frame of some sort, probably laser cut in the end
  • Motors, probably continuous rotation servos
  • Various proximity sensors, PIR is right out.
  • At least one raspi, with servo hat
  • raspi camera
  • A couple of arduinos, lots of LEDs
  • Batteries

Obviously as I prototype, this is very subject to change

  • OpenCV on the raspi
  • Will need to be able to identify its targets, and then not only go to them, but not go to them.
  • Also needs to react to stimulus in a convincing and understandable way.

The first thing I’ll need to get working will be tracking the targets, because that is the most complex part and if it doesn’t work well, I’ll need time to come up with some other strategy. Then making the robot, and making it move to the targets, integrating the stimulus, and then allowing for multiple targets and signifying which one is active.

Bryt 2.0: A Music Visualizer (Project Proposal)


A box-like music visualizer  and music player that uses LEDs and mirrors t0 create a a visual representation of music. Users will be able to interact the with the device by changing the colors of the lights as well as being able to use headphone jack enabled devices to select the music being visualized.

LEDs will be attached to the edge of the mirror to recreate this effect. Except 4 will be used to create a 3-dimentional cube full of endless mirrors!


  • 3D printed frame for the mirrors (box-like for the device)
  • Mirrors (4 or 5)
  • LED strips
  • power source, battery
  • headphone adapter
  • sliding potenntiometer (change colors of lights)


  • Library for sound interpretation (getting inputs for music)
  • RGB led control (actual visualization)
  • Library for playing sounds (enabling the device to play music)

Order of Construction and Testing:

  1. RGB light control
  2. Sliding potentiometer control
  3. RGB control with potentiometer
  4. Play music with arduino by input from audiojack
  5. Interpret Music currently being played
  6. Visualize interpreted music
  7. 3D print box frame,
  8. Attach mirrors
  9. Attach speakers
  10. Attach arduino, audiojack, and other inputs
  11. Polish

Project Proposal: Hourglass

Abstract / concept statement

Concept 01

My concept is to create a timepiece that reveals the qualitative fluidity of time passing. The form and interaction will be inspired by an hourglass. I want the series of pieces to be able to respond to each other and spark a chain reaction of movement. This will be done using a changing balance in weight.

Concept 02

Create an hourglass that can change the timer amount. When a certain amount of time is chosen, the hourglass can accurately adjust the amount of sand that is needed. The intention is for the interaction to be very physical.

  • Servos
  • Solenoids
  • Motor
  • Transistors
  • Force sensor
  • Weight analysis that connects weight to specific actions
  • Servo control and positioning
Order of construction and testing
  1. Develop sketches to figure out logistics of overall hourglass
  2. Plan ways that glass can interact with the hardware, and be hidden so the form does not reveal the technology
  3. Figure out how to use hardware to change the amount of sand (aperture form?)
  4. ^^create multiple prototypes with this interaction, it will be the most crucial development
  5. design the enclosure that will hold the glass form
  6. Have people test out form and see if it is understandable / has the right affordances
  7. Fix all the things that didn’t work
  8. repeat 7 and 8 with a few other people
  9. make an information poster for the final show
  10. write up my artist’s statement for the final show
Potential Issues
  • Will the sand affect the hardware?
  • Will the glass be able to integrate well with the wood and hardware?
  • How will the piece be maintained / opened to be fixed if necessary
  • How to mask mechanical servo movement and integrate fluidity into form
  • Does the hourglass even need to use an Arduino? Is it about accuracy?
  • Once the timer is started, is there a reset response?