10-25 New Beginning


Student Feedback

Here are the results of the anonymous mid-semester course feedback survey. There were 10 respondents (thank you!).

Project & Calendar Adjustments

The remainder of the semester will support the creation of a longer, self-directed project. A series of intermediate due dates will allow you to stay on track, get feedback, and pivot to another topic if you so wish.

The remaining ‘due’ dates are as follows:

  • #9: Prints for hallway exhibition. For November 1, please provide one or two plots, which will be exhibited outside the School of Art office for a week. The plots don’t need to be new work, but you do need to remember to bring them in, and document them on the course website.
  • #10: Research/Proposal/Tests. For November 3, draft a brief description of what you would like to do for your final project. In a blog post, write up some background research (such as prior art and/or technical resources). If possible, bring in some tests or drafts to show progress. You will present these materials in discussions with your peers in small groups. If necessary, this could be a time to pivot.
  • #11: Major Milestone. For November 17, have something nice to show that represents significant progress. There will be a critique with in-person guests. Try to get your project to ~75%-90% finished.
  • #12: Final Project. It will be difficult to get much work done over the Thanksgiving holiday. Use this time to perfect and document your work. There will be an in-class public exhibition.
10.25	Mon	-- Lectures; Work day.
10.27	Wed	-- Lectures; Work day.
11.01	Mon	-- Work day. 
                   Due: #9 (Prints for hallway exhibition).
11.03	Wed	-- Guest Lecture: Sougwen Chung. 
                   Due: #10 (Research/Proposal/Tests); DISCUSSION.
11.08	Mon	-- Work day. 
11.10	Wed	-- Work day. 
11.15	Mon	-- Work day. 
11.17	Wed	-- Guest Lecture: Chris Coleman & Laleh Mehran.
                   Due: #11 (Major Milestone); CRITIQUE.
11.22	Mon	-- Work day.
11.24	Wed	-- NO SESSION (Thanksgiving).
11.29	Mon	-- Work day.
12.01	Wed	-- Due: #12 (Final Project); EXHIBITION.

Some Final Project Ideas

This is not an exhaustive list—just a few things to plop in your heads.

    • Final Project Idea: Material Conditions
    • Final Project Idea: Machine Exploration
    • Final Project Idea: Generative Multiples
    • Final Project Idea: Asemic Writing
    • Final Project Idea: ███ograph
      Develop a system that visualizes a data recording or real-time signal by means of a plotter drawing.


  • Final Project Idea: Augmented Plot
    Create an augmented projection or AR for a plotter work

  • Final Project Idea: Stop-Frame “Plotimation”
    Create a stop-frame animation-loop using plotted frames.