Category: Full Garment
Final Garment Pictures – Natalia
Full Garment-Update, Danova
I made a second muslin sloper that was similar to the first, but my main progress was creating these pattern pieces that were much easier to use and suited my pattern better. Folding the fabric into four layers made it much more even, and I also made my pockets as large as they could be for the skirt size.

Quarter skirt and pocket pattern
full garment update – lee
finally fitted the high waist — pretty successful
need to refine the backside, as there is bunching underneath the bottom and also around the back thigh
next is to add side seam pockets and slight flaring at the bottom
Update 2 – Sarah Xi
I cut out the muslin blocks for the back of my shorts, and I’m going to transfer the pattern of the front and cut that out too today. I think I’ll also be able to start sewing it together as well.
Progress Update 2 – Sophia Huang
Before I was trying to make sleeves that don’t wrap around the entire arm. However, there was always extra fabric at the end of the sleeves. I decided to adjust the slopers so that the sleeves would wrap around (like in this picture). I also tested out how I would do the blind hem stitch.
The next step is to fit the garment again and take note of small details that I would take into account when sewing the final garment. I will then use a marker to draw over all the final stitches so that when I take the mock-up apart, I would know which lines to follow.
Full Garment Update – Jasmine Lee
I finished patterning the bodice and sleeve pieces of my garment back onto paper. Now I am moving on to tracing the pieces for the skirt while making the adjustments I needed from the second fitting. I am also determining the placement of the buttons.
garment progress!
Since class, I’ve been working on the skirt and pockets of my dress, which are now almost complete! Now I just have to do some minor clean up with the gathered seam and then finish the seam on the inside, then attach the skirt to the top and add an elastic band underneath the bust. I’ll probably finish today!
*Updates* – Franky Moore
Have done bias tape around half of the cut-outs. Figured out a way to minimize wrinkles by cutting heart into quarters for sewing.
Garment Update
When I was almost finished pinning, I realized I ran out of what I was using and had to unpin the whole skirt. I then had to repin for just doing a small closing on the edge to keep the fabric from running. I just got that sewn and plan to full finish the edge during class today.