March 15 – Class 13


  • Welcome
  • Announcements
  • Demo: Tracing & Cutting out the pattern pieces
  • Break (~1:50pm)
  • Continue
  • Homework


Next week will be doing a fitting of your sewn slopers and we will have a guest designer here to lead the process. If you are able to have a roommate or friend available to help, that would be helpful. If you are not able, that is okay and your fitting is still able to happen.

The fittings will be focused time on each student and their slopers. We will have a schedule set up. Everyone will lean a lot from each other’s fitting.

I am looking for three volunteers who would be willing and able to stay for an hour after class on Monday, March 22 to do their fittings.

In-Class Demonstrations

Tracing & Cutting the muslin fabric pieces

Slideshow: Creating Muslin Slopers


Sewing Machine Manuals

Sewing Book

Reference Book: Sewing for the Apparel Industry by Claire Shaeffer (Available online through Hunt Library).


The following are due by the beginning of class, Wed., Mar. 17:

  1. Trace all of your sloper patterns onto muslin fabric.
  2. Iron & cut:
    1. one 8″x12″ muslin fabric
    2. one 9″x5″ muslin fabric
    3. one 8″x5″ muslin fabric
  3. Bring to next class: