May 5 – Class 27



Final Critiques –
Session 1: Wednesday, May 12 @ 5-7PM
Session 2: Friday, May 14 @ 2:30-4:30PM
See the list here.

Missing or Make-up Homework due May 7 – If you are missing any assignments or have assignments you would like to make and submit, please turn all of those items in by May 7. Everything except you finished Full Garment must be turned in by May 7 (11:59pm).

Sundays 4-6pm Office Hours – I will continue to hold open office hours from 4-6pm on Sunday evenings. The last Office Hours is Sunday, May 9. Just log onto our class zoom line.

In-Class Activities:

Course Evals: We will take the first 5-10 minutes for filling out the course evaluations. Additionally if you are willing, please fill out an Exit Ticket with a note about what think is important to keep in the course and what changes you suggest for it.

Share where you are at with your garment.

Work hour – everyone share what you need to work on for this next hour. We will check in at the end of the hour to see how the hour of work time went and where you are at.

Sign up for meeting with Olivia


The following are due by the beginning of class, on your critique day (May 12 or May 14) :

  1. Complete your full garment.
  2. Create a blog post to the class website for your Full Garment. Categorize the post under “Full Garment”.
    • Upload quality photos of your garment being worn from all angles. If you are wearing the garment, have a friend help you take photographs if you can. Upload a photo(s) of details (for details the garment does not need to be worn).
    • Write a few sentences reflecting on the project and answering the following questions:
      • What did you learn through this project?
      • What were your successes? What were your mistakes?
      • What are three directions you might go with your next project?