Christine Kim – Looking Outwards – 02



A new media project that I came across this week is DeepArt’s portrait style that uses neural algorithms to create and mimic the abstract art styles on photographic images. DeepArt is an online service produced by a team of five researchers, Matthias Bethge, Alexander Ecker, Leon Gatys, Lukasz Kidzinski, and Michal Warchol. These researchers created and provided an easy way to mimic any artistic style for anyone to use. This algorithm combines the stylistic elements of one image to create the content of another photo. It is interesting how anyone can create and mimic any style of art he or she wants in a photo because no one has to be afraid to create art using this algorithm. Since this algorithm was created for the public to access and create cool art, the artistic sensibilities of the creators are mostly manifested in the selection of different styles that people can choose from, which also includes styles of many famous artists and architects.




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