Eliza Pratt – Butterfly Curve

(Drag mouse to the pink circle to return to “butterfly” shape!)

Eliza Pratt
Section E
Project 07

//butterfly curve 

var mX; 
var mY;
var dis;
var wing = 4;
var size;
var col = 255;

function setup() {
    createCanvas(480, 480);


function draw() {

    //draws pink circle
    ellipse(width/2, height/2, width/2, height/2);

    text("Click and Drag", width/2, 430);

    //constrains mouse position to canvas size
    mX = constrain(mouseX, 0, width);
    mY = constrain(mouseY, 0, height);

    //measures distance between curve center and mouse position
    dis = dist(mX, mY, width/2, height/2);

    //assigns distance to correspond with curve amplitude
    size = map(dis, 0, width/2, 0, 50);

    //draws butterflys
    butterfly(wing/2, size/2, col/4);
    butterfly(wing - 1, 0.75 * size, col/2);
    butterfly(wing, size, col);


//draws butterfly with parameters to change 
//frequency, amplitude, and color
function butterfly(b, a, c) { 
    var x;
    var y;
    var points = 400; //number of points on curve

    //calculates many x and y coordinates using curve function
    //plots vertices at coordinate points 
    for (var i = 0; i < points; i++) {
        var t = map(i, 0, points, 0, TWO_PI);

        //written notation: x = sin(t)[e^cos(t) - 2cos(4t) + sin^5 (t/12)]
        x = width/2 + sin(t) *  a * (Math.pow(Math.E, cos(t)) - 2 * cos(b * t) + Math.pow(sin(t/12), 5));
        y = height/2 + cos(t) * -a * (Math.pow(Math.E, cos(t)) - 2 * cos(b * t) + Math.pow(sin(t/12), 5));

        vertex(x, y);


function mouseDragged() {
    //changes frequency of function based on mouse position
    wing = map(dis, 0, width/2, 2, 6);

Looking through all these curve functions has made me realize how much math I’ve forgotten in the past year! Nevertheless, I wanted to play around with some of the more complex curves from the website. I saw some pretty cool spirals with integrals but I couldn’t figure out the notation for javascript. The curve I made here is called a “butterfly curve”, but I overlapped a few of them with altered frequencies to explore some of the other cool shapes this function can produce. Drag your mouse around the canvas to check out the other curves! Dragging the mouse to any point on the circle will return it to a butterfly shape.

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