Emma NM-LO-08

Dear Data

Giorgia Lupi is an information designer at Accurat (data-driven research, innovation, and design), based in New York and Milan. She works to create visual narratives that use data to connect it to what it is: knowledge, behaviors, people. Stefanie Posavec is a data designer from the UK. She tends to use hand-crafted methods to create non-traditional representations of data from language, literature, or scientific areas.

I really enjoyed how they collaborated together and learned new things about each other through data and drawings. I am also really interested in design, so for the dear data project cards to hold data, but in an interesting visual way was cool to me. I liked their thought process of how they created the data visualization.

They talk a lot about their thought process and how they were feeling/felt throughout it. They also mentioned their insights and a reflection of the project. To convey the project, they almost told it as if it were story, after all, postcards are short stories. I think it’s important to include insights and reflection/things you learned when sharing a project. It shows that the project was more than just “moving through the motions” and helps you understand what you’ve learned.

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