Nadia Susanto – Project 12 – Final Proposal

For the final project, I want to challenge myself by learning a p5js function we did not learn about. I want to create an interactive game using speech/voice recognition. I want to create a game like Scream Go Hero where the user has to “scream” to get the avatar to move. A soft voice would make the avatar move. A loud voice would make the avatar jump. The higher the volume, the higher the avatar can jump. The objective of the game will be the same as the avatar has to collect as many objects as it can without falling through the cracks. The actual game doesn’t have much design into it, so I want to create a version where it incorporates a generative landscape and other obstacles.

If I have having trouble getting the speech recognition to work, then I will do a version of flappy bird.

Scream Go Hero actual game
Scream Go Hero is known for being a very funny game, so I am excited to be able to play this myself with my friends.
Rough sketch outline of what I want my game to look like
Backup: A version of flappy bird

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