Xu Xu and Xiaoyu Kang – Project 12 – Proposal

We will be working on an interactive game that will be randomly generated, with a game system similar to Reigns (but simplified). In the game, there will be character cards randomly chosen and presented, asking the player a question or presenting the player a scenario. The player will need to swipe/click right or left for one of the two choices, and the choices will affect one (or more) of the four aspects of the player. In the original game, the four aspects were those of the kingdom, but we want to create a CMU student version, with the four aspects being academics, sanity, finance, and social life. Character cards will be drawn and imported, questions and outcomes will be written and randomly chosen. There will be 9 different endings based on choices. (8 of which are bad endings where the player fails the game, the last ending is when the player successfully graduates CMU)

A sample question can be: [A close architecture friend of yours] “There will be an architecture party tonight, do you wanna come?”

>Yes [result: 10% reduction in academics, 10% gain in social life]

>No [result: 10% gain in academics, 10% reduction in social life]

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