LO 1 – My Inspiration

Link to the project description.

I have always found the projects by Neri Oxman at MIT Media Lab very fascinating and inspiring. The lab consists of a variety of designers, engineers and scientists that work together to create interdisciplinary projects focused on fabricating materials from nature to replace unsustainable building materials. A project called Vespers is working on a technology that creates architectural skins that can be environmentally responsive. Using digital fabrication and computation that customizes the expressiveness of biological microorganisms, the lab is currently able to create a mask that fabricates living microorganisms to morph and adapt while emulating new colors. I believe that the scripts are custom and experimental, while it could be inspired by the lab’s other projects relating to the fabrication of biological materials.

This is still a conceptual piece that allows us to imagine what can be possible in the future but I think the concept is very inspiring and exciting, and brings out a new chapter of biological and responsive materiality in architecture and more.

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