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Close up of Wall Drawing 1247

Wall Drawing 1247 is a piece of algorithmic art by prolific artist Sol LeWitt created in 2007. LeWitt was a minimalist who produced a large body of work in the form of written instructions. Wall Drawing 1247 is a large drawing of an X with a gradient effect produced by the systemic layering of graphite scribbles. LeWitt’s work focused heavily on geometry, simplicity, and, sometimes, color. Through his algorithmic works, he expressed his artistic view that the concept is more important than the product.

When I saw this piece for the first time at the MASSMoca I was struck by the dimensionality of it. I saw depth created by a beautiful, smooth gradient. It wasn’t until I immediately assumed that it had been created robotically, or that it was some sort of print. I didn’t know that a carefully grid had been constructed, labelled, and filled in bit by bit by a team of skilled artists scribbling at the wall.

The process of creating the work

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