
In one of Quayola’s work, Jardins d’Été, a realistic video of flowers gently brushed by the breeze gradually evolves into an impressionism oil painting as if the movement of the petals blurred the paint on the canvas. The whole transitional process is so smooth and subtle that it successfully captures the sensual artistic aspect of impressionism painting and the subtle nuances beyond human perception. I like how the artist employs technology as a lens to explore the tension and balance between the old and new. Through this lens, we can travel back through time and imagine what the artist saw that inspired him or her to capture that beautiful moment.

The website does not provide much info about the algorithm behind the scene, but I suppose it involves detecting which area in the video moves the most and this part will be processed first and so on until the entire image is modified.

The artist’s sensibility is embedded in the ways in which nature is synthesized and represented. The color, movement, lighting, and sounds all worked well together.

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