LO 2 – Generative Art

One generative art project that I find immensely inspirational is City Icon, designed and coded by Marcin Ignac at Variable (2012).

City Icon by Martin Ignac featured at Sustainable Cities exhibition by Siemens in the Crystal building in London.

A generative city simulation, City Icon shows the complex interactions of a city’s intersecting systems, including traffic jams, water streams, nature enclaves, emergency states, and energy sources. As a person who has always been exposed to New York City, one of the most popular cities in the world, I was even more attracted to this project because it shows a side to a city that we are unable to see.

We take advantage of the outcomes of all of these city systems, yet we do not appreciate the process to these outcomes. Ignac’s design of this simulation allows for audiences of all types to easily experience the dynamic workings of a city as well as grasp a sense of balanced amidst chaos.

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