Looking Outwards 02 – Generative Art

One of the pieces of generative art that I found most interesting was a series
by Paul Prudence entitled “Daub”. I really like these prints because they are made from a semi-automatic painting function, yet the result seems almost infinitely complex; not just in the potential complexity of the program, but in the individual images themselves. Prudence also shows that the program is flexible enough to generate a variety of silhouettes in the series by changing the way the silhouette is formed on the print “Oriol”. These were made using footage of Ferrofluids, which would not be completely obvious at first thought but certainly seems a good starting point to create shapes like these. This work is a bit different than many of the other visual generative works that Prudence has done, as this one is almost fractal-like, while many of his other works are much cleaner and often generative videos instead of prints.

Planetoid I – Paul Prudence


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