Project 3: Dynamic Drawing

//Jessie Chen
var half = 225

function setup() {
    createCanvas(450, 600);

function draw() {
    mouseX = constrain(mouseX, 0, 440);
    background(123, 176, 223);
    var bY = constrain(bY, 200, 300);
    var w = 15 + (mouseX * 0.03);
    var h = 10 + (mouseX * 0.03);
    //petal behind bee
    fill(233, 120, 79);
    ellipse(half, 330 - (h * 3), w * 3, h * 3);
    var bY = 200;
    if (mouseX < half) {
        translate(60, 0);
    } else {
       translate(-25, 110);
    fill(202, 228, 250);
    ellipse(mouseX - 5, bY - 13, w, h);
    ellipse(mouseX - 15, bY - 15, w, h); //wings
    fill(255, 229, 122);
    ellipse(mouseX, bY, 40, 25); //body
    fill(60, 60, 60);
    rect(mouseX - 15, bY - 9 , 5, 19, 100, 5, 40, 40); //black lines
    rect(mouseX - 6, bY - 12, 5, 24, 100, 5, 40, 40);
    rect(mouseX + 3, bY - 11.5, 5, 23, 100, 5, 40, 40);
    ellipse(mouseX + 13, bY - 2, 5, 5); //eye
    line(mouseX + 16, bY - 8, mouseX + 18, bY - 12); //attennas
    line(mouseX +14, bY - 8, mouseX + 14, bY - 14);
    line(mouseX - 21, bY, mouseX - 24, bY); //stinger
    fill(255, 213, 0);
    ellipse(half, 0, 250 + w, 250 + h);
    fill(245, 255, 255);
    rect(mouseX - 100, 50, 100, 75, 35);
    rect(mouseX - 60, 85, 95, 55, 35);
    rect(mouseX - 350, 55, 120, 55, 35);
    rect(mouseX + 100, 20, 120, 55, 35);
    rect(mouseX - 270, 40, 75, 50, 35);
    rect(mouseX + 300, 75, 80, 40, 35);
    rect(mouseX + 250, 65, 70, 30, 35);
    fill(115, 172, 111);
    rect(half - 7.5, 340 - (h * 2), 15, 400, 30);
    translate(193, 100);
    ellipse(half - 19, 440, w * 3, 20 + h);
    ellipse(half - 94, 280, w * 3, 20 + h);
    translate(-150, 200);
    ellipse(half + 19, 440, w * 3, 20 + h);
    fill(233, 120, 79); // back petals
    ellipse(half - 30, 360 - (h * 3), w * 4, h * 3);
    ellipse(half + 30, 360 - (h * 3), w * 4, h * 3);
    ellipse(half + 25, 345 - (h * 3), w * 5, h * 3);
    ellipse(half - 25, 345 - (h * 3), w * 5, h * 3);
    fill(255, 215, 102);
    ellipse(half, 360 - (h * 4), w * 3, h * 2); //center
    rect(half - 10, 385 - (h * 7), 2, 3 + h, 20);
    rect(half + 10, 385 - (h * 7), 2, 3 + h, 20);
    rect(half, 380 - (h * 7), 2, 3 + h, 20);
    rect(half - 20, 390 - (h * 7), 2, 3 + h, 20);
    rect(half + 20, 390 - (h * 7), 2, 3 + h, 20);
    fill(233, 120, 79); // front petal
    ellipse(half, 360 - (h * 3), w * 3, h * 3);

This was inspired by the mutualistic relationship between the bee and the flower. The bee is becoming full while the flower is being pollinated, allowing it to grow and reproduce.

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