LO 04 – Music and Art

Art Title: Expressions
Artists: Kenichi Yoneda and Yu Miyashita

The art piece is a video compilation that ties art to music. The art itself sometimes appears like a physical painting and others as a computer generated piece. This is the most admirable part in my opinion as it combines so many forms of art and can even generate realistic painting using rendering. There were many maps drawn to create the realistic rendering which shows the extensive work put into the piece. The artistic sensibilities are manifested in mocking traditional art styles using more modern techniques. The algorithms used to create the art were most likely very complicated not only to just make the pictures and designs, but the animations as well. Additionally, I am unsure if the music was created to match the animations of if the motion was based upon the music. In either case, the logistics of matching the two art forms was probably extremely difficult and tiresome. The beauty of the art is using so many different techniques and mediums to give the final result.

link: https://www.creativeapplications.net/sound/expressions-paint-and-pixel-matiere-at-micro-scale/

Expressions – Paint and pixel matière at micro-scale

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