LO-04-Sound Art

Multiverse is an audio-visual installation, created by fuse, that attempts to show the eternal birth and death of infinite parallel universes. I was attracted by this artwork not only because of its astonishing visual, but also because of its concept. I’ve been fascinated with the idea of the multiverse, or just universe in general, and time. However, I’ve never thought about showing the concept through digital art and sound installation. I didn’t even know that it was possible to physically show something abstract like that. The installation shows two large surfaces mirroring each other generate an infinite reflection of the image towards the sky and the center of the earth. The creators succeeded in combining the theory with algorithmic art and created a memorable artwork that is both visually and audibly stunning.

An application developed in openFrameworks manages the various scenes that interact with Ableton Live and MAX/MSP  for the production of soundtracks through a generative sound system. In order to display “realistic” and infinite scenes, the program provides small random changes to parameter values of physical laws during the bounce, leading to a new universe with slightly different fundamental properties. In addition, in order to prevent it from replaying the same scene, for every thirty minutes, the program is set to enter an evolutionary transition from the previous genetic information.

video of Multiverse

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