Looking Outwards 04: Sound Art

I am captivated by Christian Marclay’s collaboration with Snapchat, a series of works entitled: Snap: Sound Stories. Marclay uses publicly available Snapchat videos as a source of found videos for different interactive sound art pieces. In one, he composes a musical piece by sampling from hundreds of millions of Snapchat videos analyzed by an algorithm which detects if the frequency of the video would be a sound recognizable to the human ear.

A video detailing Christian’s Marclay’s collaboration with Snapchat, Sound Stories

In another, Marclay creates a mobile from iPhones which respond via a pitch recognition algorithm which monitors and learns the viewer’s speaking voice. Another piece incorporates collections of videos which each represent a note on a piano; the viewer can sit at the piano and play music through Snapchat videos.

Christian Marclay, The Organ (detail), 2018


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