Looking Outward-04

Since David Cope is a composer, he already had an interest and extensive knowledge in different genres of music which probably compelled him to make this and incorporate jazz, classical and chorale music. After doing some searching, I found that he learned LISP in college which is programming language for AI. I would guess that this (among other things probably) is what he used to make EMMY because EMMY makes music from artificial intelligence. I like that it keeps a consistent melody and harmony I was very surprised by that especially since it incorporates a number of different voices singing in different vocal ranges. It is very consistent and there are no jumps at all, so it is actually very calming to listen to. However, it is strange hearing the choir voices sing words that aren’t real. I’d be interested to hear how EMMY interprets jazz since there are so many instruments involved. I would be curious to see if it incorporates more random and unexpected elements of sound and rhythm since jazz doesn’t always follow a specific rhythm.

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