LO-05 3D Graphics

Iris Yip iyip
15-104 Section D

A 3D graphics project I feel particularly drawn to is Catello Gragnaniello‘s ‘Asimov’, a project combining 2D graphics with fashion. I enjoy the combination of realistic textures with foreign-looking materials that give the overall work a futuristic and weightless feeling. The ways that the artist plays around with the same models/figures in different environments is a really fascinating feature that traditional forms of digital art may not afford.

While it doesn’t specify what software the artist uses, a lot of individuals online speculate it being Cinema4D or Maya based on the rendering and motion graphics/animation that the artist showcases in the project.

‘Asimov’ is a really interesting look into the potential future of clothing design, as it is possible to simulate realistic materials and therefore achieve a likeness to an actual product, while simultaneously going outside of the box to create something that may not be possible in real life, asking questions like whether or not the design has to be reproducible, or even real, in order for it to be considered fashion design. With rising cases of 3D-generated models, a lot of people are beginning to question the modern definition of fashion, and ‘Asimov’ explores that idea in a fun and understated way.

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