Project-05: Hexagrams

The creation of optical illusions has always intrigued me. Hexagrams have always been a favorite geometric pattern of my and most importantly, the ability to create depth by underlaying and overlaying different portions. This ended up being more difficult than I had hoped as with p5js, drawings always layer based upon where in the function each element is created. For this reason, I had to separate one side of the hexagram into two pieces to actually create the illusion I wanted which resulted in a lot of calculations and math.

//side length of the hexagon that a hexagram is based upon
var s = 50
function setup() {
    createCanvas(3.5*3*s, 12*s*sqrt(3)/2);

function draw() {
    //translates the center of the canvas to the center of the first hexagram
    translate(3/2*s, 2*s*sqrt(3)/2);
    //loop creates the gradient effect of the background
    for (var i = 0; i<width/10; i++) {
        for (var j = 0; j<height/10; j++) {
            //translates to start at the top left corner of the canvas
            translate(-3/2*s, -2*s*sqrt(3)/2);
            //varies the color based on the variables of the loop
            fill(255/height*j*10+50, 255/height*j,255/height*j*10+50, 255);
            //draws squares based upon the variables of the loop
            rect(i*10, j*10, 10, 10);
    //loops creates the repeating pattern of hexagrams
    for(var i = 0; i<width/(3*s); i++) {
        for (var j = 0; j<height/(4*s*sqrt(3)/2); j++) {
            //translates based upon variables to draw the grid of hexagrams
            translate(150*i, 4*s*sqrt(3)/2*j);
            //rotates the hexagrams to create the hourglass patterns
            //draws the hexagram

//I acknowledge code that is unused should be deleted, however the following
//block comment is necessary to show the math done to create the visual.
//Each function is a building block to the final opticHexagram
/*function hexagon() {
    line(-s/2, -s*sqrt(3)/2, s/2, -s*sqrt(3)/2)
    line(s/2, -s*sqrt(3)/2, s, 0)
    line(s, 0, s/2, s*sqrt(3)/2)
    line(s/2, s*sqrt(3)/2, -s/2, s*sqrt(3)/2)
    line(-s/2, s*sqrt(3)/2, -s, 0)
    line(-s, 0, -s/2, -s*sqrt(3)/2)

function spikes() {
    triangle(-s/2, -s*sqrt(3)/2, s/2, -s*sqrt(3)/2, 0, -2*s*sqrt(3)/2);
    triangle(s/2, -s*sqrt(3)/2, s, 0, 3/2 * s, -s*sqrt(3)/2);
    triangle(s, 0, s/2, s*sqrt(3)/2, 3/2 * s, s*sqrt(3)/2);
    triangle(s/2, s*sqrt(3)/2, -s/2, s*sqrt(3)/2, 0, 2*s*sqrt(3)/2);
    triangle(-s/2, s*sqrt(3)/2, -s, 0, -3/2 * s, s*sqrt(3)/2);
    triangle(-s, 0, -s/2, -s*sqrt(3)/2, -3/2 * s, -s*sqrt(3)/2);

function hexagram() {
    triangle(0, -2*s*sqrt(3)/2, 3/2 * s, s*sqrt(3)/2, -3/2 * s, s*sqrt(3)/2);
    triangle(3/2 * s, -s*sqrt(3)/2, 0, 2*s*sqrt(3)/2, -3/2 * s, -s*sqrt(3)/2)
    line(0, -2*s*sqrt(3)/2, 3/2 *s, s*sqrt(3)/2);
    line(3/2 * s, s*sqrt(3)/2, -3/2 * s, s*sqrt(3)/2);
    line(-3/2 * s, s*sqrt(3)/2, 0, -2*s*sqrt(3)/2);
    line(3/2 * s, -s*sqrt(3)/2, 0, 2*s*sqrt(3)/2);
    line(0, 2*s*sqrt(3)/2, -3/2 * s, -s*sqrt(3)/2);
    line(-3/2 * s, -s*sqrt(3)/2, 3/2 * s, -s*sqrt(3)/2);

//creates a hexagram with interlacing sides to create an optical illusion
function opticHexagram() {
  //half of the white side of the lighter triangle
  //this needed to be broken into two pieces in order for the optical illusion
  //to work
  quad(0, 2*s*sqrt(3)/2,0, .8*2*s*sqrt(3)/2, .8*-3/4 * s, .8*s*sqrt(3)/4,
      -3/4*s, s*sqrt(3)/4);
  //black side of the dark triangle
  quad(.8*-3/2*s, .8*s*sqrt(3)/2 , -3/2*s, s*sqrt(3)/2, 3/2*s, s*sqrt(3)/2,
      .8*3/2*s, .8*s*sqrt(3)/2)
  //medium side of the lighter triangle
  quad(.8*3/2 * s, .8*-s*sqrt(3)/2, 3/2 * s, -s*sqrt(3)/2, 0, 2*s*sqrt(3)/2,0,
  //medium side of the darker triangle
  quad(0, -2*s*sqrt(3)/2, 0, .8*-2*s*sqrt(3)/2,.8*3/2*s, .8*s*sqrt(3)/2 ,
      3/2*s, s*sqrt(3)/2);
  //darkest side of the lighter triangle
  quad(-3/2 * s, -s*sqrt(3)/2, .8*-3/2 * s, .8*-s*sqrt(3)/2,.8*3/2 * s,
      .8*-s*sqrt(3)/2, 3/2 * s, -s*sqrt(3)/2);
  //lightest side of the darker triangle
  quad(0, -2*s*sqrt(3)/2, 0, .8*-2*s*sqrt(3)/2,.8*-3/2*s, .8*s*sqrt(3)/2 ,
      -3/2*s, s*sqrt(3)/2);
  //other half of the white side of the lighter triangle
  //completes the illusion
  quad(.8*-3/2 * s, .8*-s*sqrt(3)/2, -3/2 * s, -s*sqrt(3)/2, -3/4 * s,
      s*sqrt(3)/4, .8*-3/4*s, .8*s*sqrt(3)/4)


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