LO-06 Randomness

Faces of Randomness in black
Faces of Randomness in white

Martin Krzywinski created this piece, Faces of Randomness on Circos in 2013. Krzywinski created this piece based on the digits of 𝜋 and drawing lines between sixteen random numbers with 1000 digits each represented by their digit transition paths and frequencies.

I admire the intricacy of this piece. The placement of the lines and use of colors make each of the 16 circles look like mini galaxies. I also admire how the artist is able to visually portray the impact of changing just one number to create a whole new image. It is also interesting to see how each of the 16 circles look similar despite the random inputs used to create the piece.

Krzywinski’s background as a scientist influences his artistic sensibilities which is seen in the way he uses data to inform his art. Krzywinski uses data and facts to create his artwork and enhances it with bright color choices. He balances the use of randomness by organizing the piece in a neat grid structure.

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