LO6: Randomness

<50 RANDOM> by Linyi Dai

In her work, Linyi Dai uses randomness to generate the value of each register to generate the rungs of the sphere. Her work is not based on “truly” random numbers but rather on “pseudo-random” numbers. The work uses a complex repeated algorithm to emulate the effect of randomness. I really enjoy her work as her work provides a good balance between the result of randomness and the creator’s agency; although she uses randomness to generate aspects of the work–the rungs of the sphere–she is in full control of the general outcome–the spherical shape of her work. I also enjoy the simplicity of her work. The use of dull colors is very successful in making this piece of work relaxing and satisfying to look at.

Link: http://lostritto.com/risd2015spring-seminar/?p=275

Title: <50 Random>

Creator: Linyi Dai

Year: 2015

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