
The work is called “e4708” by Mark Wilson. This is a random computer generated artwork. I admired how there are aspects of randomness and some aspects of organized arrays and shapes in the artwork. It is very unique because it was randomly generated, but it also is unique in the sense that it looks like a colorful PCB board for computers. I think this was really eye-catching because the artwork is random but still reminds me of something tangible and real. The artist supposedly used layers that helped produce some of the calculated repetition in the artwork, but most of the aspects were “left to chance” and were randomly chosen by the computer. Mark Wilson’s artistic sensibilities are manifested in this final form, because based on his previous works, a lot of his works use repetition of circles and squares in rows and columns, and all seem to look somewhat like machinery/computer parts. 


This is “e4708” by Mark Wilson, in which he combined both randomly generated pieces of art and his own calculated repetitions.

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