Project 9: Portrait

I really wanted to implement a little bit of what we did two weeks ago, so I created a heart and infinity code, and used those as pixels. I have four different “portraits” each time the mouse is clicked. The first one randomly draws hearts and draws the text “This Is Me” with your cursor. The second one randomly draws the text “Sarah” and draws infinity signs with you cursor. The third one randomly draws infinity signs and draws the text “This Is Me” with your cursor. The fourth one randomly draws random sizes from 10 to 25 of the text “Sarah” and draws infinity signs with you cursor. Additionally, every click increases (to a certain number) sizes of all the pixels, and changes the transparency of the background and decreases (to a certain number), going back and forth between the two.

// Sarah Luongo   
// sluongo
// Project

// This code aims to draw a self-image with pixels.

var oI; // 'Original image'
var nP = 1; // 'New portrait'
var t = 210; // 'Transparency'
var tS = 10; // 'Text size'
var hS = .3; // 'Heart size'
var iS = 15; // 'Infinity size'
incT = 51; // Variable to increase size of transparency
incH = .1; // Variable to increase size of hearts
incIT = 1; // Variable to increase size of texts and infinity sign

// Loads image
function preload() {
    var ImageURL = "";
    oI = loadImage(ImageURL);

function setup() {
    createCanvas(480, 480);
    oI.resize(width, height); // Resizes original image
    background(59, 17, 21, t); // Redish
    frameRate(60); // Rate pixels are drawn
    t = 0;

function draw() {
    // Generates random locations for the pixels within image size 
    var pX = floor(random(oI.width));
    var pY = floor(random(oI.height));
    var cP = oI.get(pX, pY); // 'Color picker' based on location of pixel
    var cM = oI.get(mouseX, mouseY); // Color selected based on mouse location

    if (nP == 1) {
        // Draws heart pixels randomly
        heart(pX, pY);
        // Draws text pixels w/ cursor
        text("This Is Me", mouseX, mouseY);
    } else if (nP == 2) {
        text("Sarah", pX, pY);
        infinity(mouseX, mouseY);
    } else if (nP == 3) {
        infinity(pX, pY);
        text("This Is Me", mouseX, mouseY);
    } else {
        textSize(random(10, 25));
        text("Sarah", pX, pY);
        heart(mouseX, mouseY);

// Heart Curve
function heart(pX, pY) {
    var da = .01; // How round the "curve" is
    // Creates the heart curve
    for (var t = 0; t <= TWO_PI; t += da) {
        // The parametric equations found on the website commented above
        var x = (16*(pow(sin(t), 3))) * hS;
        var y = (13*cos(t)-5*cos(2*t)-2*cos(3*t)-cos(4*t)) * -hS;
        vertex(x+pX, y+pY);

// Infinity Curve
function infinity(pX, pY) {
    var da = .01;
    // Creates the infinity curve
    for (var t = 0; t <= TWO_PI; t += da) {
        // The parametric equations found on the website commented above
        var x = (iS*cos(t))/(1+(pow(sin(t), 2)));
        var y = (iS*sin(t)*cos(t))/(1+(pow(sin(t), 2)));
        vertex(x+pX, y+pY);

function mousePressed() {
    if (nP == 4) {
        background(59, 17, 21, t);
        nP = 1;
    } else {
        background(59, 17, 21, t);
        nP += 1;
    // Increase size of each pixel symbol
    t += incT;
    tS += incIT;
    hS += incH;
    iS += incIT;
    // Decrease size after certain point
    if (t == 255 || tS == 30 || hS == 1.5 || iS == 30) {
        incT *= -1;
	incH *= -1;
	incIT *= -1;
    } if ( t == 1 || tS == 10 || hS == .3 || iS == 15) {
	incT *= -1;
	incH *= -1;
	incIT *= -1
First portrait at 1 minute w/o drawing w/ cursor
After a minute using cursor
After 30 secs w/ cursor

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