Looking Outwards – 09

I think Xander’s cited project, thispersondoesnotexist.com, is a fascinating project involving AI. I agree with Xander’s notes about the controversy but I don’t agree that people should worry about this type of system. It’s really interesting to me how they can form a full face out of cherry picking and choosing different features to make a face. Xander talked about how this type of software could be used for facial recognition but I also think this could exist as sort of a payment type in the future. I think that the technology can be adapted to then recognize people from their faces and be able to connect them to their bank account or credit card info.

Link: https://courses.ideate.cmu.edu/15-104/f2020/2020/10/08/lookingoutwards-06-2/

Author: Bennett

Born in the Netherlands.

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