Looking outwards 10 computer music

Pixelh8 is a well known musician and digital music researcher that really pioneered the digital music field early in the 2000’s developing a software calle dMusic tech for the nintendo gameboy and the Game Boy Advance as well as the Nintendo DS, which turned the gaming consoles in to real time synthesizers similar to the ones electronic musicians use now on live stages. What’s interesting about Chipwave is that it has evolved into a subgenre of electronic music with a group of passionate followers that delve deep into modding and making music out of early digital devices such as a Gameboy or NES. This type of music is characterized by their synthetic sounds we often associate with electronics. What’s important about their work is that it really gives us an opportunity to look into a piece of living computational history. A look into what it was like when computational music was just begining to become a thing.

Youtube user JustinThursday demo-ing Music Tech on the original GameBoy

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