Final Project: Covid-19 Precaution Simulator

In my final project, I showcase somewhat of a Covid-19 Precaution Simulation. The user is situated in the right side of the window and with the refreshing of the page, red virus balls and green mask/safety balls appear. The red viruses will come across the page at different speeds and sizes to symbolize the various ways of possibly contracting Covid-19. Hovering over the green safety orbs will help the users glowing shield to grow larger and brighter. As the shield grows, the viruses will be eliminated; at one point due to the immense “precautions and safety measures” that have been collected/taken by the user, the viruses die before reaching the shield, signifying that we can never be too safe in these times.

var shieldAttribute; //tracks size + color of shield
var mask=[]; //masks (green circles)
var virus = []; //virus (red circles)
var virusCount=10; //number of virus
var maskCount =15 // number of masks
var waves=10;
var x;
var y;
var speed;
var maskx;
var masky;
var maskr;
var checkMask;
var checkVirus;

function setup() {
  createCanvas(600, 400);
  shieldAttribute = 60; 
  for (var i = 0; i < virusCount; i++) {  //setting up to create virus objects
    var x;
    var y;
    var speed ;
    virus[i] = new Covid19(x, y, speed);
  let checkMask = false;
  for (var j = 0; j < maskCount; j++) {  //creat mask objects
    mask[j] = new Masks(maskx, masky, maskr);

function draw() {
  userGen();  //create user + shield 
  for (var i = 0; i < virusCount ; i++){  //functionality of virus implemented
    if(dist(virus[i].x, virus[i].y, 550, height/2)<= shieldAttribute-120){  //the virus balls get eliminated as they approach the growing shield
    virus[i].x = -600
  for (var j = 0; j < maskCount ; j++){  //functionality of virus implemented
//function for creating user
function userGen(){
  fill(20,255,238,shieldAttribute/5);  //shield
  ellipse(550, height/2, shieldAttribute, shieldAttribute);
  fill(60, 198, 177);  //user circle
  ellipse(550, height/2 ,40, 40);

class Covid19 {
    this.x = 0;
    this.y = random(20, 380);
    this.speed = random(0.5,2.5);
    this.virRad = random (30,50);
    this.checkVirus = false;
  forward (){
  //  for (var i = 0; i < 5; i++){
    this.x += this.speed;
  generate (){   //create the virus
    if (this.checkVirus == false){
    ellipse(this.x, this.y, this.virRad, this.virRad);

class Masks {  
    this.maskx = random(550);
    this.masky = random(350);
    this.maskr = random(10,80);
    this.checkMask = false;
  build(){   //create the mask
    if (this.checkMask == false){
    ellipse(this.maskx, this.masky, this.maskr);
  collect(){   //the mask balls disappear when hovered over, giving the illusion of "collecting"
    let d = dist(mouseX, mouseY, this.maskx , this.masky);
    if (d <= 20){
      shieldAttribute += this.maskr;
      this.checkMask = true;
      this.maskx = -600
      this.masky = -600
      this.maskr = 0
  move(){    //masks jittering to make collecting a bit more difficult
    this.maskx += random(-2,2);
    this.masky += random(-2,2);

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