Project 04 String Art

For this project, I used the curves generated by the strings to make a sort of landscape. Because the shapes generated were pretty organic, I thought it would be fitting to make the subject matter organic as well.


var dx1;
var dy1;
var dx2;
var dy2;
var dx3;
var dy3;
var dx4;
var dy4;
var dx5;
var dy5;
var dx6;
var dy6;
var dx7;
var dy7;
var dx8;
var dy8;
var numLines = 50;

function setup() {
    createCanvas(400, 300);
    background(237, 233, 223);
    dx1 = (150-50)/numLines;
    dy1 = (300-300)/numLines;
    dx2 = (400-400)/numLines;
    dy2 = (100-400)/numLines;
    dx3 = (400-400)/numLines;
    dy3 = (100-400)/numLines;
    dx4 = (500-600)/numLines;
    dy4 = (200-500)/numLines;
    dx5 = (200-400)/numLines;
    dy5 = (0-500)/numLines;
    dx6 = (200-500)/numLines;
    dy6 = (200-500)/numLines;
    dx7 = (200-400)/numLines;
    dy7 = (20-500)/numLines;
    dx8 = (400-500)/numLines;
    dy8 = (200-300)/numLines;

function draw() {
    var x1 = 400;
    var y1 = 0;
    var x2 = 0;
    var y2 = 300;
    var x3 = 0;
    var y3 = 300;
    var x4 = 500;
    var y4 = 300;
    var x5 = -175;
    var y5 = 150;
    var x6 = 500;
    var y6 = 700;
    var x7 = 3000;
    var y7 = 300;
    var x8 = 0;
    var y8 = 400;
    for (var i = 0; i <= numLines; i += 1) {
        line(x1, y1, x2, y2);
        x1 += dx1;
        y1 += dy1;
        x2 += dx2;
        y2 += dy2;
        line(x3, y3, x4, y4);
        x3 += dx3;
        y3 += dy3;
        x4 += dx4;
        y4 += dy4;
        line(x5, y5, x6, y6);
        x5 += dx5;
        y5 += dy5;
        x6 += dx6;
        y6 += dy6;
        line(x7, y7, x8, y8);
        x7 += dx7;
        y7 += dy7;
        x8 += dx8;
        y8 += dy8;
    triangle(300, 150, 325, 220, 275, 220); //tree to the right
    rect(290, 220, 20, 30);
    triangle(0, 100, -50, 290, 50, 290); //big tree in foreground
    rect(0, 290, 20, 300)
    triangle(170, 150, 165, 165, 175, 165); //tiny tree far away
    rect(168, 165, 4, 8)
    ellipse(100, 40, 50, 50);

Ryoji Ikeda – Test Pattern (2008)

Test Pattern (2008) is an audiovisual installation created by Japanese sound artist Ryoji Ikeda in collaboration with Tomonaga Tokuyama. The program behind Test Pattern picks up real-time audio signals and converts their sound waveforms into eight synchronized barcode patterns. Its results are then displayed on LCD screens accompanying 16ch sound systems that projected Ikeda’s futuristic, data-driven tunes. Flashing across the screen at speeds that peak at hundreds of frames per second, Ikeda’s installation is one that challenges the boundaries of human perception. While Test Pattern’s soundscape was originally composed by Ikeda, the installation was able to exist thanks to the work of Tokuyama, whose algorithm mapped sixteen channel sound signals onto a grid matrix, turning into blindingly hypnotic strobe flashes. In an article from Hero Magazine, Ikeda was described as a “cosmic polymath,” sonic scientist,” and “matrix shaman.” I can’t help but agree- As an artist, I’ve always been mesmerized by the idea of subliminal audio and creating work that exceeded human sensory limitations. Ryoji Ikeda’s Test Pattern is a direct testament of this– a direct testament to the possibility of a paradoxically serene audiovisual experience that brought its audience into fleeting moments of sensory transcendence.

Ryoji Ikeda, Test Pattern (2008)

Blog 04 – Computation & Sound Art

An example of where sound and computation cross that I find interesting is Musikalisches Würfelspiel, which evidently translates from German as “musical dice game”. It was popularized in the 1700s throughout Western Europe, and many versions of the game exist as created by different composers. The gist is that someone can randomly generate a completely unique piece of music by rolling dice. The algorithm is quite simple: in each module of a table is a measure of music, and the player rolls their dice twice, first to select the column, then to select the row. The player continues randomly selecting measures this way until the song is long enough to be finished. Even with a smaller table or shorter composition, this could still produce millions of unique songs. Here’s a video of a version of the game in action. (The video is in German, but you can still see the players rolling a die to select different measures, and you get to hear the final composition.)

I find it cool that artists and composers have been embracing the affordances of algorithmically generated music long before computers were in the mix. Programs like Musikalisches Würfenspiel are a good reminder that artistic thought processes can transcend media in unexpected ways, so keep yourself open to unorthodox applications of your creative thinking.

Looking Outwards 03: Computational Fabrication

This project is called Mygenchair by Teemu Seppänen An and it produces a random chair with different design every time with existing dataset of chair designs. The random and creative nature inspires me because it is continuously creating creative designs while not being creative. This program lets the computer, which has no creativity do creative work just with existing data sets. The algorithm is very complex because it creates a 3d object in great detail. The creator uses eiganface algorithm to identify the similarities and differences in chairs to auto generate chaid designs. Also, since the program subdivides mesh faces, the creator is able to create small details in design which adds complexity to normal 3d art. The creator’s artistic work can also be applied in real life very easily if he 3d prints the objects. The program is very impressive because it does the job of what multiple people would do: brainstorms, creates design, and produces.

Mygen Chair

Project-03: Dynamic Drawing

//Alicia Kim
//Section B

var r = 80;
var angle = 0;

function setup() {
    createCanvas(450, 600);

function draw() {
    noStroke ();
    //limiting y from 0 to 600
    var y = max(min(mouseY, 600), 0);  
    // as y increases background gets lighter
    background (255*y/650); 

//top ellipse
    fill (255,232,124); // star yellow
    ellipse (width/2,37.5,25,25);

    fill (58.8,29.4,0); // brown

// as y increases, size of the leaves increases & y position changes 
    // higher the y, leaves get darker 
    fill (157-120*y/650,205-140*y/650,143-120*y/650); //frog
    triangle(width/2, 50, width/3, 120, 2/3*width,120);

    translate (-45*y/650,-25*y/650);
    scale (1+0.2*y/650);
    triangle(width/2, 50+65*y/650, width/3-8*1/3*y/650, 
        120+55*y/650, 2/3*width+8*1/3*y/650, 120+55*y/650);

    translate (-45*y/650,-25*y/650);
    scale (1+0.2*y/650);
    triangle(width/2, 50+95*y/650, width/3-12.121212*y/650, 120+100*y/650,
     width*2/3+12.121212*y/650, 120+105*y/650);

    translate (-45*y/650,-25*y/650);
    scale (1+0.2*y/650);
    triangle(width/2, 50+140*y/650, width/3-15.68627*y/650, 120+150*y/650,
     width*2/3+15.68627*y/650, 120+150*y/650);

    translate (-45*y/650,-25*y/650);
    scale (1+0.2*y/650);
    triangle(width/2, 50+175*y/650, width/3-18.05956*y/650, 120+185*y/650,
     width*2/3+18.05956*y/650, 120+185*y/650);

// higher the y, more ornaments appear

    if (y>125){
        fill (251,209,225); // ornaments pink
        ellipse (width/2-10,88,25,25);

    if (y>165){
        fill (255,232,124); // ornaments yellow
        ellipse (width/2+27,138,25,25);

    if (y>210){
        fill (255,218,173); // ornaments orange
        ellipse (width/2,200,25,25);
    if (y>270){
        fill (250,128,114); // ornaments salmon
        ellipse (width/3,220,25,25);
    if (y>330){
        fill (255,232,124); // ornaments yellow
        ellipse (width/2-8,300,25,25);
    if (y>390){
        fill (255,218,173); // ornaments orange
        ellipse (width-width/3,280,25,25);

    if (y>440){
        fill (255,232,124); // ornaments yellow
        ellipse (width/3,360,25,25);


    if (y>495){
        fill (251,209,225); // ornaments pink
        ellipse (width/2+14,400,25,25);

        fill (250,128,114); // ornaments salmon
        ellipse (width-width/4,420,25,25);

        fill (255,218,173); // ornaments orange
        ellipse (width/4,450,25,25);


Looking Outwards 03: Computational Fabrication
Christoph Bader, Dominik Kolb, William Patrick, Steven Keating, Sunanda Sharma, Prof. Neri Oxman
The “Wanderers”

The “Wanderers” by MIT Media Lab professor Neri Oxman is an extraordinary and inspirational project.

The works integrate the themes of nature, life, fashion, and 3D design so perfectly. Through exploring the biological growth process and the elements that sustain life–“earth, water, air, and fire”, the works are not only full of vitality and connotation, but also they are very sophisticated and exquisite in terms of the aesthetic aspect.

As for the algorithms that generated the work, “phenotype” is transformed into “genotype”. The input geometric representations are repeatedly transformed and deformed to form various organic shapes that simulate the process of growth.

The colors in the wearables are well-combined. You can get an understanding of “life” through her designs–the organic shapes and forms, simulating the biological growth process in nature, remind the viewers of the constantly dividing cells, the sophisticated brain, and the marvelous and diverse plants.

Project 03

// Ilia Urgen
// Section B

var angle = 0;

var color_1;
var color_2;

var background_lines = 0;

var triangle_1 = 1;
var triangle_2 = 2;
var triangle_3 = 3;
var triangle_4 = 4;
var triangle_5 = 5;
var triangle_6 = 6;

function setup() {
    stroke (2);
    createCanvas (800, 800);
    color_1 = color (255,140,0);
    color_2 = color (63,191,191);

    for (var y = 0; y < height; y++ ) {
        n = map (y,0, height, 0, 1);
        var color_3 = lerpColor (color_1, color_2, n);
        stroke (color_3);
        line (0, y, width, y);
function draw() {
    delta_x = mouseX/6;
    delta_y = mouseY/6;


    stroke (2);

    translate(400, 400);

    if (background_lines == 0) {
        line (0,0, width, height);
        line (width, 0, 0, height);
        angle += 25; 

    if (triangle_1 == 1) {
        // changes 1st darkest color gradient
        fill (132-mouseX/4, 0, 132-mouseY/4);
        // changes thickness and width of triangle
        triangle (0,0, -(delta_x + 100), delta_y + 150, (delta_x + 100), delta_y + 150);
        angle += 5;

    if (triangle_2 == 2) {
        // changes 2nd darkest color gradient
        fill (152-mouseX/4, 0, 152-mouseY/4);
        // changes thickness and width of triangle
        triangle (0,0, -(delta_x + 80), delta_y + 120, (delta_x + 80), delta_y + 120);
        angle -= 15;

    if (triangle_3 == 3) {
        // changes 3rd darkest color gradient
        fill (176-mouseX/4,0,176-mouseY/4);
        // changes thickness and width of triangle
        triangle (0,0, -(delta_x + 60), delta_y + 90, (delta_x + 60), delta_y + 90);
        angle += 200;

    if (triangle_4 == 4) {
        // changes 4th darkest color gradient
        fill (204-mouseX/4, 0, 204-mouseY/4);
        // changes thickness and width of triangle
        triangle (0,0, -(delta_x + 40), delta_y + 60, (delta_x + 40), delta_y + 60);
        angle -= 150;
    if (triangle_5 == 5) {
        // changes 5th darkest color gradient
        fill (232-mouseX/4,0,232-mouseY/4);
        // changes thickness and width of triangle
        triangle (0,0, -(delta_x + 20), delta_y + 30, (delta_x + 20), delta_y + 30);
        angle += 100;

    if (triangle_6 == 6) {
        // changes 6th darkest color gradient
        fill (255-mouseX/4,0,255-mouseY/4);
        // changes thickness and width of triangle
        triangle (0,0, -(delta_x), delta_y, (delta_x), delta_y);
        angle -= 55;


Project-03: Dynamic Drawing

Moving the cursor up and down can change the rotation direction of the white “flower”. Moving the cursor left and right can change the canvas color and the size of the circles. If the cursor is inside the circle, the corresponding circle will change color.

Xinyi Du

//Xinyi Du 
//15104 Section B

var w = 20;
var x1 = 150;
var y1 = 150;
var w1 = 220; 
var x2 = 400;
var y2 = 300;
var w2 = 260;
var x3 = 500;
var y3 = 75;
var w3 = 130;
var r = 30;
var g = 144;
var b = 255;
var lineY = 1000;
var angle = 10;
var dia = 15;

function setup() {
    createCanvas(600, 450);
function draw() {
    background(r, g, b);
    //left circle
    r1 = 100;
    g1 = 149;
    b1 = 237;
    fill(r1, g1, b1);
    ellipse(x1, y1, w1, w1);
    // bottom circle
    r2 = 100+20;
    g2 = 149+20;
    b2 = 237+10;
    fill(r2, g2, b2);
    ellipse(x2, y2, w2, w2);
    //right circle
    r3 = 100-20;
    g3 = 149-20;
    b3 = 237-10;
    fill(r3, g3, b3);
    ellipse(x3, y3, w3, w3);

    // change mouse X to change the size fhe circles as well as the color of the canvas
    if (mouseX < width/2) {
        w1 = constrain(w1-5, 150, 400); //decrease left circle size
        w2 = constrain(w2+5, 200, 450); // increase bottom circle size
        w3 = constrain(w3-5, 80, 280); //decrease right circle size
        r = constrain(r + 0.5, 30, 60);
        g = constrain(g + 0.5, 144, 174);
        b = constrain(b + 0.5, 255, 275); // make canvas color lighter and limit the rgb range

    if (mouseX > width/2){
        w1 = constrain(w1+5, 150, 400); //increase left circle size
        w2 = constrain(w2-5, 200, 450); //decrease bottom circle size
        w3 = constrain(w3+5, 80, 280); //increase right circle size
        r = constrain(r - 0.5, 5, 30);
        g = constrain(g - 0.5, 114, 144);
        b = constrain(b - 0.5, 225, 255); // make canvas color darker and limit the rgb range

    // if mouse is inside the circle, change color
    if (dist(mouseX, mouseY, x1, y1)<w1/2){ 
        r1 = 195;
        g1 = 177;
        b1 = 225;
        fill(r1, g1, b1);
    //left circle
        ellipse(x1, y1, w1, w1);
    if (dist(mouseX, mouseY, x2, y2)<w2/2){
        r2 = 189;
        g2 = 181;
        b2 = 213;
        fill(r2, g2, b2);
    // bottom circle
        ellipse(x2, y2, w2, w2);
    if (dist(mouseX, mouseY, x3, y3)<w3/2){
        r3 = 204;
        g3 = 204;
        b3 = 255;
    //right circle
        fill(r3, g3, b3);
        ellipse(x3, y3, w3, w3);

    // draw white lines and circles
    ellipse(mouseX, mouseY, w+10, w+10);

    translate(mouseX, mouseY); // translate the origin from (0,0) to (mouseX, mouseY)
    line(0, 0, 0, lineY); //one line and three circles on the line
    ellipse(0, 60, dia); ellipse(0, 130, dia+20);ellipse(0, 200, dia+40);
    rotate(radians(angle)); // rotate the line and repeat the process
    line(0, 0, 0, lineY);
    ellipse(0, 40, dia); ellipse(0, 100, dia+10);
    rotate(radians(angle)); // rotate the line and repeat the process
    line(0, 0, 0, lineY); 
    ellipse(0, 60, dia); ellipse(0, 130, dia+20);ellipse(0, 200, dia+40);
    line(0, 0, 0, lineY);
    ellipse(0, 40, dia); ellipse(0, 100, dia+10);
    line(0, 0, 0, lineY);
    ellipse(0, 60, dia); ellipse(0, 130, dia+20);ellipse(0, 200, dia+40);
    line(0, 0, 0, lineY);
    ellipse(0, 40, dia); ellipse(0, 100, dia+10);
    line(0, 0, 0, lineY);
    ellipse(0, 60, dia); ellipse(0, 130, dia+20);ellipse(0, 200, dia+40);
    line(0, 0, 0, lineY);
    ellipse(0, 40, dia); ellipse(0, 100, dia+10);
    line(0, 0, 0, lineY);
    ellipse(0, 60, dia); ellipse(0, 130, dia+20);ellipse(0, 200, dia+40);
    line(0, 0, 0, lineY);
    ellipse(0, 40, dia); ellipse(0, 100, dia+10);
    line(0, 0, 0, lineY);
    ellipse(0, 60, dia); ellipse(0, 130, dia+20);ellipse(0, 200, dia+40);
    line(0, 0, 0, lineY);
    ellipse(0, 40, dia); ellipse(0, 100, dia+10);
    line(0, 0, 0, lineY);
    ellipse(0, 60, dia); ellipse(0, 130, dia+20);ellipse(0, 200, dia+40);
    line(0, 0, 0, lineY);
    ellipse(0, 40, dia); ellipse(0, 100, dia+10);
    line(0, 0, 0, lineY);
    ellipse(0, 60, dia); ellipse(0, 130, dia+20);ellipse(0, 200, dia+40);
    line(0, 0, 0, lineY);
    ellipse(0, 40, dia); ellipse(0, 100, dia+10);
    line(0, 0, 0, lineY);
    ellipse(0, 60, dia); ellipse(0, 130, dia+20);ellipse(0, 200, dia+40);
    line(0, 0, 0, lineY);
    ellipse(0, 40, dia); ellipse(0, 100, dia+10);
    line(0, 0, 0, lineY);
    ellipse(0, 60, dia); ellipse(0, 130, dia+20);ellipse(0, 200, dia+40);

    // change mouseY to change the rotating direction and rotation angles
    // if mouseY is at the bottom half of the canvas, increase the rotation angle
    if (mouseY < height/2) { 
        angle = constrain(angle + 0.5, -10, 20);
    // if mouseY is at the top half of the canvas, decrease the rotation angle
    if (mouseY > height/2){
         angle = constrain(angle - 0.5, -10, 20); 

Project-03-Dynamic-Drawing: Section B

My process for this project was to alter basic shapes and colors to create a kaleidoscope. I used transformations so I could draw the same images many times in different locations. Moving the mouse left and right shrinks, enlarges, and repositions different elements. Crossing the horizontal midpoint reverses the rotation. Vertical motion with the mouse speeds and slows the rotation. Clicking changes colors.

From my sketchbook.
// Evan Stuhlfire
// estuhlfi, section B
// Project-03: Dynamic Drawing

var angle = 0; // Angle to increment for rotation
var angleInc = 2; // Controls speed of rotation
var rotateDir = 1; // Direction of rotation
var centerX; // Center of original canvas
var centerY;
var shapeSpace = 30; // Space between shapes
var rectSize = 20;
var startSize = 10;
var circleStart = 10;
var littleCircle = 10;
var colorScheme = 1; // standard = 1, switched = -1

function setup() {
    createCanvas(600, 450);

    centerX = width/2;
    centerY = height/2;

function draw() {

    // If the mouse is left of center set rotation counterclockwise
    if(mouseX < centerX){
        rotateDir = -1;
    } else {
        rotateDir = 1; // Set rotation clockwise

    // Translate the canvas origin to the center
    translate(centerX, centerY);

    // Save the current settings

    // Rotate the canvas for the shape redraw
    rotate(radians(angle * rotateDir));

    // Draw background circle
    fill(120, 88, 111);
    stroke(120, 88, 111);
    ellipse(0, 0, height, height);

    // Draw center rectangle
    fill(230, 199, 156);
    stroke(230, 199, 156);
    rectMode(CENTER); // Center rect around (0,0)
    rect(0,0, rectSize, rectSize);
    rect(0, 0, rectSize * mouseX/15, rectSize * mouseX/15);

    // Draw center crossing rectangles
    if(colorScheme == 1){
        fill(123, 158, 168); // grey blue
        stroke(123, 158, 168);
    } else {
        fill(111, 208, 140); // green
        stroke(111, 208, 140);
    rect(0, 0, 25, width * 1.5);
    rect(0,0, width * 1.5, 25);

    // Draw little circle
    fill(120, 88, 111);
    stroke(120, 88, 111);
    ellipse(0, 0, littleCircle * mouseX/15, littleCircle * mouseX/15);

    // Draw four spokes of ellipses and diamonds 
    // at 90 degree intervals



    // Return to saved settings

    angle = angle + mouseY/100;

function drawEllipse(){
    // Set color of ellipses
    if(colorScheme == 1){
        fill(111, 208, 140); // green
        stroke(111, 208, 140);
    } else {
        fill(123, 158, 168); // grey blue
        stroke(123, 158, 168);

    var circleSize = circleStart;
    var circleInc = 5;

    circleSize = circleSize * (width - mouseX)/150;
    // Draw a line of ellipses
    ellipse(shapeSpace, shapeSpace, circleSize, circleSize);
    // Draw first row dots
    var dotSize = 4;
    push(); // Save settings
    fill(205, 223, 160); // yellow
    rect(shapeSpace, shapeSpace, circleSize/dotSize, circleSize/dotSize);
    pop(); // restore settings
    circleSize += circleInc;
    ellipse(2 * shapeSpace, 2 * shapeSpace, circleSize, circleSize);
    // Draw second row dots
    push(); // Save settings
    fill(120, 88, 111); // purple
    rect(2 * shapeSpace, 2 * shapeSpace, circleSize/dotSize, circleSize/dotSize);
    pop(); // restore settings

    circleSize += circleInc;
    ellipse(3 * shapeSpace, 3 * shapeSpace, circleSize, circleSize);
    // Draw third row of dots
    push(); // Save settings
    fill(205, 223, 160); // yellow
    rect(3 * shapeSpace, 3 * shapeSpace, circleSize/dotSize, circleSize/dotSize);
    pop(); // Restore settings

    circleSize += circleInc;
    ellipse(4 * shapeSpace, 4 * shapeSpace, circleSize, circleSize);
    // Draw fourth row of dots
    push(); // Save settings
    fill(120, 88, 111); // purple
    rect(4 * shapeSpace, 4 * shapeSpace, circleSize/dotSize, circleSize/dotSize);

function drawRects(){
    // Draws a line of rectangles 

    // Set color of rectangles
    fill(205, 223, 160); // yellow
    stroke(120, 88, 111); // purple

    // Save current settings

    // Rotate canvase so rectangles craw as diamonds

    rectMode(CENTER); // draw rects from center
    var sqSize = startSize * mouseX/100;
    var sqInc = 5;
    // Draw first rectangle
    rect(shapeSpace, shapeSpace, sqSize, sqSize);

    // Draw second rectangle
    sqSize += sqInc;
    rect(shapeSpace + 2 * sqSize, shapeSpace + 2 * sqSize, sqSize, sqSize);

    // Draw third rectangle
    sqSize += sqInc;
    rect(shapeSpace + 3 * sqSize, shapeSpace + 3 * sqSize, sqSize, sqSize);

    // Draw fourth rectangle
    sqSize += sqInc;
    rect(shapeSpace + 4 * sqSize, shapeSpace + 4 * sqSize, sqSize, sqSize);

    // Draw dots
    fill(111, 208, 140); // green
    var dotSize = 3;
    ellipse(shapeSpace + 4 * sqSize, shapeSpace + 4 * sqSize, sqSize/dotSize, 

    // third row dots
    fill(120, 88, 111); // purple
    sqSize -= sqInc; // Set sqSize to third square
    ellipse(shapeSpace + 3 * sqSize, shapeSpace + 3 * sqSize, sqSize/dotSize, 

    // second row dots
    fill(111, 208, 140); // green
    sqSize -= sqInc;
    ellipse(shapeSpace + 2 * sqSize, shapeSpace + 2 * sqSize, sqSize/dotSize, 

    // first row dot
    fill(120, 88, 111); // purple
    ellipse(shapeSpace, shapeSpace, sqSize/dotSize, 

    // Return to saved settings

function mousePressed(){
    colorScheme = -colorScheme;

Looking Outwards-03: Section B

Desbians Design Research is a company dedicated to computational fabrication and design. Of their many projects, I find the Fahz, face in a vase, project fascinating. This project transforms photographs of faces in profile by first converting them into vector coordinates. The coordinates of up to four photos are uploaded into software that generates a unique vase design that incorporates each face. The final piece is 3D printed.

There are four distinct faces in this vase.

The faces are not carved into the vase, but are created in the negative space around the vase. The minimalism and simplicity of this project are at odds with the hyper, overproduced world we live in. The art found in the absence inspires me. Sometimes less really is more.

This project was originated by Daniel Desbians in 2014. He modeled the vases with Rhino 3D design software with an add-on called Grasshopper to aid with creating algorithms. Python was also used to put it all together. Each vase is unique and designed by software from a parametric model. This is an example of generative art fabricated into physical form.