Looking Outwards-04

The project I am looking into this week is Ryoji Ikeda’s Test Pattern series. These projects are a series of installation pieces that use sound and black and white visuals to describe the flow of binary data, 1s and 0s. The pieces act as a magnifying glass into the extremely dense stream of data in our world. I find this work really fascinating because of how it immerses the viewer into the data stream. It not only does this visually, but also with sound. The world of technology which surrounds us now uses 1s and 0s to operate; however, we only see this from extremely far away. We are immersed in data everyday but not to the scale that is described in Test Pattern.

String Art Bike

I started this project because I was inspired by the spokes on the bike. They looked like something that would lend itself to string art. After that, I wanted to make it look like the bike was moving so I had the positions of the spokes change and added the cactus in the back. Additionally, the color of the sky changes over time.

//Nakshatra Menon
//Section C

function setup() {
    createCanvas(400, 300);

var bikeWheel = 50;
var heightGround = 250;
var wheel = 1
var numLines = 10
var color3 = 100
var cactusX = 500
var cactusY = 200

function draw() {
    background(246, 235, 216);
    var skyX = 0
    var skyX2 = 600
    var skyY2 = 125 
    for (var skyY = 0; skyY<250; skyY+= 8){           //drawing the lines for sky 
        stroke(71, 61, color3)
        line(skyX, skyY, skyX2, skyY2);

    var x1 = 0;
    var y1 = 300;
    var x2 = 400;
    var y2 = 250;
    var y3 = 275
    for (var y1=300; y1>=250; y1+=-2) {               //ground right up 
        stroke(159, 135, 94);
        line(x1, y1, x2, y2);
    for (var y2; y2<= 300; y2 +=2){     //ground left up 
        stroke(82, 66, 38);
        line(x1, y1, x2, y2);
    for(var y3 = 275; y3 <= 300; y3 +=2){     //ground across 
        stroke(198, 184, 153);
        line(x1, y3, x2, y3);
    fill(53, 68, 52);
    ellipse(cactusX-20, cactusY, 35, 15);       // left
    ellipse(cactusX+20, cactusY-20, 45, 15);   // right arm
    ellipse(cactusX-35, cactusY-12, 10, 25); // top left 
    ellipse(cactusX, cactusY, 20, 100);     //main 
    ellipse(cactusX+40, cactusY-30, 5, 15);  //right top 

    // bike wheel arcs 
    stroke(115, 45, 4);
    arc(100, heightGround-bikeWheel-5, 2*bikeWheel, 2*bikeWheel, radians(190), radians(0));   // arc on left tire 
    arc(300, heightGround-bikeWheel-5, 2*bikeWheel, 2*bikeWheel, radians(190), radians(0));   //arc on right tire  
    // bike from right wheel   
    translate(300, heightGround-bikeWheel);             //moving wheel to correct place
    rotate(radians(-163))       // rotating line 9 degrees evertime it draws a new line
    line(50, bikeWheel+45, 70, bikeWheel+55 )     // far handle              // drawing vertical line 
    line(60, bikeWheel+45,80, bikeWheel+45)       // close handle 
    // bike from left wheel   
    translate(100, heightGround-bikeWheel);             //moving origin to correct place
    rotate(radians(-163))       // rotating lines
    line(-60,bikeWheel-30,-150,bikeWheel+70);          // across
    line(0,0,-60,bikeWheel-30);           // line to the line holding seat                                       // drawing vertical line 
    line(-60, bikeWheel-30, -20, 90)      // line holding up seat
    ellipse(-60, 70, 60, 6);
    line(0,0,-30,bikeWheel+15);           // line 2 to the line holding seat
    line(-30,bikeWheel+15, -150, bikeWheel+70);    //across 2

    // bike wheel left 
    if(wheel <= 1){
        for(var i=0; i<4*numLines; i += 1){          // how many times it runs (4*numlines to get it to 360)
            stroke(64, 38, 22);                          // shade of brown
            translate(100, heightGround-bikeWheel);             //moving wheel to correct place
            rotate(radians((i/2)*180/numLines))       // rotating line 9 degrees evertime it draws a new line
            line(0,0,0,bikeWheel);                    // drawing vertical line 
    if ( wheel <= 2 & wheel > 1){
        for( var i=0; i<6*numLines; i += 1){          // how many times it runs (4*numlines to get it to 360)
            stroke(64, 38, 22);                          // shade of brown
            translate(100, heightGround-bikeWheel);             //moving wheel to correct place
            rotate(radians((i/3)*180/numLines))       // rotating line 9 degrees evertime it draws a new line
            line(0,0,0,bikeWheel);                    // drawing vertical line 

    // bike wheel right
    if(wheel <= 1){
        for(var i=0; i<4*numLines; i += 1){          // how many times it runs (4*numlines to get it to 360)
            stroke(64, 38, 22);                          // shade of brown
            translate(300, heightGround-bikeWheel);             //moving wheel to correct place
            rotate(radians((i/2)*180/numLines))       // rotating line 9 degrees evertime it draws a new line
            line(0,0,0,bikeWheel);                    // drawing vertical line 
    if ( wheel <= 2 & wheel > 1){
        for( var i=0; i<6*numLines; i += 1){          // how many times it runs (4*numlines to get it to 360)
            stroke(64, 38, 22);                          // shade of brown
            translate(300, heightGround-bikeWheel);             //moving wheel to correct place
            rotate(radians((i/3)*180/numLines))       // rotating line 9 degrees evertime it draws a new line
            line(0,0,0,bikeWheel);                    // drawing vertical line 

    //bike tire left 
    stroke(64, 38, 22)
    translate(100, heightGround-bikeWheel);
    circle(0,0,2*bikeWheel);                      // drawing the tire 
    //bike tire right 
    stroke(64, 38, 22)
    translate(300, heightGround-bikeWheel);

    wheel += .1                                   // wheels move 
    if (wheel > 2){
        wheel = 0;

    color3 += .5                                  // color of sky changes 
    if (color3 > 300){
        color3 = 100

    cactusX += -5                                // cactus moves 
    if (cactusX < -100){
        cactusX = 500

anabelle’s project 04


Here’s my project for the week — this has been the most painful one so far. It’s vaguely based off of Rainbow Road from Mario Kart, so enjoy <3

let numLines; 

let expandLeft;
let expandRight;

let moveX;
let moveY;

let lineExpand;

function setup() {
    createCanvas(400, 300);

function draw() {
    background(0, 0, 56);

    stroke(255); // circle
    lineExpand = (constrain(mouseY, 10, 400));
    for(i = 0; i <= 100; i +=1 ) {
        translate(width/2, height/2);
        line(0, lineExpand, 0, -lineExpand);

    stroke(188, 13, 88); // red
    crossHatch(0, 290, 150, 200, 170, 200, 200, 0, false);

    stroke(254, 161, 43); // orange
    crossHatch(5, 290, 170, 220, 190, 220, 200, 0, false);

    stroke(248, 243, 23); // yellow 
    crossHatch(10, 290, 190, 250, 210, 250, 200, 0, false);

    stroke(247, 89, 252); // purple 
    crossHatch(390, 290, 250, 200, 230, 200, 200, 0, false);

    stroke(79, 134, 239); // blue
    crossHatch(395, 290, 230, 220, 210, 220, 200, 0, false);

    stroke(118, 370, 153); // green
    crossHatch(400, 290, 210, 250, 190, 250, 200, 0, false);

    moveX = 100;
    moveY = 100;
    chadStar(0, 0);

    moveX = 300;
    moveY = 200;
    chadStar(0, 0);

    moveX = 250;
    moveY = 50;
    chadStar(0, 0);


function crossHatch(firstx1, firsty1, firstx2, firsty2, secondx1, secondy1, secondx2, secondy2, showLines = true) {
    if (showLines){
        line(firstx1, firsty1, firstx2, firsty2);
        line(secondx1, secondy1, secondx2, secondy2);

    let numLines = constrain(mouseX, 100, 400)/10;

    let dx1 = (firstx2 - firstx1) / numLines;
    let dy1 = (firsty2 - firsty1) / numLines;
    let dx2 = (secondx2 - secondx1) / numLines;
    let dy2 = (secondy2 - secondy1) / numLines;

    for(var i = 0; i <= numLines; i += 1) {
        line(firstx1, firsty1, secondx1, secondy1);
        firstx1 += dx1;
        firsty1 += dy1;
        secondx1 += dx2;
        secondy1 += dy2;

function chadStar(x, y) {
    expandLeft = constrain(mouseY, 0, 300) / 50;
    expandRight = constrain(mouseY, 0, 300) / 50;

    for(i = 0; i <= 6; i += 1) {
        translate(moveX, moveY);

        line(x, y-10, x+10, y+10);
        line(x+10, y+10, x-10, y+10);
        line(x-10, y+10, x, y-10);

        x += expandLeft;
        y += expandRight;

Blog – 04

I am most inspired by the work of ‘FORMS – String Quartet’. They are a live multimedia performance for a string quartet, electronic music, and panoramic visuals. Their project resides in the field of visual sonification, which means making sound through visual elements. I admire their work because it not only includes shapes, colors, and movement but also includes sound. When all of those elements come together it creates a completely immersive and engaging experience. Their project uses a real-time visual music score generator that is designed with a set of rules using graphic generation, driven by randomness and probability. On their website, they claim to use spectral synthesis algorithms to transform sound into graphics. These graphics are very interesting because they change shape, size, and color, and differ depending on if the music is transformed into bass or treble. For instance, if the notes are bass the graphic prints at the bottom of the screen, whereas if the notes are treble the graphics are printed towards the top of the screen.

https://www.creativeapplications.net/maxmsp/forms-string-quartet/ (2021)

By: Katie Makarska

Project-04 String Art

This is my string art. I wanted to make an eye out of strings and the eye follows the x-coordinate of the mouse. Each layer of the eye is remapped to create a 3-dimensional effect. The spiral further extends the mystical feeling the eye gives off.

//Michael Li
//Section C 
var dx1;
var dy1;
var dx2;
var dy2;
var numLines = 70;

function setup() {
    createCanvas(400, 300);


function draw() {
    //remapped values for eyeball translation
    var tranX1 = constrain(map(mouseX, 0, 400, 120, 280), 120, 280)
    var tranX2 = constrain(map(mouseX, 0, 400, 130, 270), 130, 270)
    var tranX3 = constrain(map(mouseX, 0, 400, 140, 260), 140, 260)
    var tranX4 = constrain(map(mouseX, 0, 400, 150, 250), 150, 250)
    //set variable for rotation
    var rot = 90
    //eye white
    //two lines bottom left and top right
    line(0, 150, 250, 400); 
    line(150, -100, 400, 150)

    //calculate the line length and divide by number of lines 
    //for gap between each line
    dx1 = (250-0)/numLines;
    dy1 = (400-150)/numLines;
    dx2 = (400-150)/numLines;
    dy2 = (150+100)/numLines;

    //set initial points for line
    var x1 = 0;
    var y1 = 150;
    var x2 = 150;
    var y2 = -100;
    //for loop, i = number of lines drawn
    //line position + gap width to drawn each line 
    for (var i = 0; i <= numLines; i += 1) {
        line(x1, y1, x2, y2);
        x1 += dx1;
        y1 += dy1;
        x2 += dx2;
        y2 += dy2;
    //repeat the process diagnally. 
    //draw line top right and bottom left
    line(150, 400, 400, 150);
    line(0, 150, 250, -100)

    //calculate the line length and divide by number of lines 
    //for gap between each line
    dx1 = (400-150)/numLines;
    dy1 = (150-400)/numLines;
    dx2 = (250-0)/numLines;
    dy2 = (-100-150)/numLines;

    //set initial points for line
    x1 = 150;
    y1 = 400;
    x2 = 0;
    y2 = 150;

    //for loop, i = number of lines drawn
    //line position + gap width to drawn each line 
    for (var i = 0; i <= numLines; i += 1) {
        line(x1, y1, x2, y2);
        x1 += dx1;
        y1 += dy1;
        x2 += dx2;
        y2 += dy2;
    // spiral controlled by the mouseY position

    //use push and pop to limit the conditions inside
    //tranlsate origin to the middle of the canvas
    translate(200, 150)
    //set variables for the line positions
    var x =100
    var y = 100
    var dist = 50 //distance between each line
    var rot2 = 5 //set value for rotation degree
    var rotation = constrain(map(mouseY, 0, 300, -500, 100), -500, 100)
    //sets value of y, the loops repeats for 200 times
    for (y = 100; y <= 300; y += 1){
        rotate (radians(rot2)) //rotation of the line around the origin
        stroke("lightyellow") //stroke color
        //draw line to form the spiral
        line(rotation, y, x+dist, y+dist)
        rot2 += 0 //constant rotation


    //eyeball formation
    //use written function eyeBall below to draw the eyeball formation

    //Innermost DarkRed
    //translate the position based on the mouseX position
    //use tranX variables for remapped values
    translate(tranX1, 150); 
    //use for loop to repeat the Eyeball Function
    for (var spin = 0; spin <=6; spin += 1){
        //written function to draw components of the eyeballs
        eyeBall(30, 30, 30, 30)
        //rot adds 90 degrees each time the loop runs 
        rot += 90

    //2nd layer lightblue
    //use remapped value for translation based on mouseX
    translate(tranX2, 150);
    //rotate 45 degrees for variation from the last component
    //for loop to repeat the eyeBall function
    for (var spin = 0; spin <=6; spin += 1){
        //Eyeball function decrease value to increase size
        eyeBall(20, 20, 20, 20)
        //rot adds 90 degrees each time the loop runs 
        rot += 90

    //3rd layer light green
    //use remapped value for translation based on mouseX
    translate(tranX3, 150);
    //rotate 90 degrees for variation from the last compone nt
    //use for loop to repeat the eyeBall function
    for (var spin = 0; spin <=6; spin += 1){
        //eyeBall function increases component size
        eyeBall(10, 10, 10, 10)
        //addes rotation value for the circular shape
        rot += 90

    //4th layer dark grey
    //use remapped value for tranlsation based on mouseX
    translate(tranX4, 150);
    //rotate 45 degrees for variation
    stroke(30) //dark grey
    for (var spin = 0; spin <=12; spin += 1){
        //increase in size
        eyeBall(-10, -10, -10, -10)
        //adds 45 degrees for circular form
        rot += 45
    //eye lids
    //draw two lines
    line(0, 150, 250, 400);
    line(150, 400, 400, 150);
    //calculate length of the line and divide by number of lines to draw
    dx1 = (250-0)/numLines;
    dy1 = (400-150)/numLines;
    dx2 = (400-150)/numLines;
    dy2 = (150-400)/numLines;

    //set variables for the initial positions of the line
    var x1 = 0;
    var y1 = 150;
    var x2 = 150;
    var y2 = 400;
    //use for loop to continously draw the lines
    for (var i = 0; i <= numLines; i += 1) {
        line(x1, y1, x2, y2);
        x1 += dx1;
        y1 += dy1;
        x2 += dx2;
        y2 += dy2;
    //draw two lines
    line(0, 150, 250, -100)
    line(150, -100, 400, 150)
    //calculate length of the lines and divide by number of lines to draw
    dx1 = (250-0)/numLines;
    dy1 = (-100-150)/numLines;
    dx2 = (400-150)/numLines;
    dy2 = (150+100)/numLines;

    //set variables for the initial positions of the line
    var x1 = 0;
    var y1 = 150;
    var x2 = 150;
    var y2 = -100;
    //use for loop to continously draw the lines
    for (var i = 0; i <= numLines; i += 1) {
        line(x1, y1, x2, y2);
        x1 += dx1;
        y1 += dy1;
        x2 += dx2;
        y2 += dy2;

//set function to draw the eyeball components
function eyeBall (a, b, c, d){
    //set two lines
    line(a-40, b-120, c-100, d+40)
    line(a+40, b-120, c-120, d-40)

    //find the length of the lines divided by the number of lines
    dx1 = (c-100-(a-40))/numLines;
    dy1 = (d+40-(b-120))/numLines;
    dx2 = (c-120-(a+40))/numLines;
    dy2 = (d-40-(b-120))/numLines;

    //set values for inital position
    var x1 = a-40;
    var y1 = b-120;
    var x2 = c+40;
    var y2 = d-120;
    //use for loops to continously draw the lines.
    for (var i = 0; i <= numLines; i += 1) {
        line(x1, y1, x2, y2);
        x1 += dx1;
        y1 += dy1;
        x2 += dx2;
        y2 += dy2;


Looking Outwards 04: Sound Art – MilkDrop

One of the areas of sound and computation I find interesting is audio visualization. One of the plug-ins that makes audio visualization possible is a program called MilkDrop. It was created in 2001 by Ryan Geiss. It creates abstract art from songs. It is created through the use of 3d graphics hardware, image rendering techniques, and multiple equations that creates custom shapes and waves. The reason I find it interesting is that I have always been fascinated by the idea of Synesthesia when people can see sound. Although I can’t visualize sound, I associate certain songs/ genres of songs with certain color pallets. I am curious about how this program works because how music makes one person feel is very subjective. For example, there are some genres of music that I would associate with a certain color, however other people might disagree. Would the visualization be an interpretation of the creator’s thought process or is it customizable somehow to each user? If it were to be customizable how would the algorithm change? Would just the color change or the shapes as well? Since songs make everyone feel different emotions, interpretations also change.


Project 04 String Art

Throughout this project, I felt it was a little difficult to figure out what I wanted to create, but it was interesting to consider how forms could appear with the use of repeated lines. Originally, I was thinking about a butterfly with the ground and sky as a background, but I decided to use translate and rotate to twist the ground to instead become colorful lines emphasizing the butterfly’s movement (instead of the ground) which I think makes it a little more fun and dynamic.


// Rachel Legg / rlegg / Section C

var dx1;
var dy1;
var dx2;
var dy2;
var dx3;
var dy3;
var dx4;
var dy4;
var numLines = 15;

function setup() {
    createCanvas(300, 400);

function draw() {

    //move over orgin and rotate so aligns w/ butterfly
    translate(-132, -20);  

    //light blue lines toward center @ slant
    line(0, 300, 10, 390);
    line(250, 250, 200, 350);
    dx1 = (10-0)/numLines;
    dy1 = (390 - 300)/numLines;
    dx2 = (350-250)/numLines;
    dy2 = (200 - 250)/numLines;

    stroke(135, 206, 235);    //lightblue 
    var x1 = 0;
    var y1 = 400;
    var x2 = 180;
    var y2 = 300;
    for (var i = 0; i <= numLines; i += 1){
        line(x1, y1, x2, y2);
        x1 += dx1;
        y1 += dy1;
        x2 += dx2;
        y2 += dy2;

    //layer and tranlate green group to the right
    translate(0, 25);
    rotate(radians(-15));    //more tilt and move orgin
    line(0, 300, 10, 390);
    line(250, 250, 200, 350);
    dx1 = (10-0)/numLines;
    dy1 = (390 - 300)/numLines;
    dx2 = (350-250)/numLines;
    dy2 = (200 - 250)/numLines;

    stroke(144, 238, 144);         //light green
    var x1 = 0;
    var y1 = 400;
    var x2 = 180;
    var y2 = 300;
    for (var i = 0; i <= numLines; i += 1){
        line(x1, y1, x2, y2);
        x1 += dx1;
        y1 += dy1;
        x2 += dx2;
        y2 += dy2;

    //layer and tranlate pink group to the right
    translate(0, 55);
    line(0, 300, 10, 390);
    line(250, 250, 200, 350);
    dx1 = (10-0)/numLines;
    dy1 = (390 - 300)/numLines;
    dx2 = (350-250)/numLines;
    dy2 = (200 - 250)/numLines;

    stroke(255, 0, 127);         //pink
    var x1 = 0;
    var y1 = 400;
    var x2 = 180;
    var y2 = 300;
    for (var i = 0; i <= numLines; i += 1){
        line(x1, y1, x2, y2);
        x1 += dx1;
        y1 += dy1;
        x2 += dx2;
        y2 += dy2;

    //layer and tranlate purple group to the right
    translate(0, 120);
    line(0, 300, 10, 390);
    line(250, 250, 200, 350);
    dx1 = (10-0)/numLines;
    dy1 = (390 - 300)/numLines;
    dx2 = (350-250)/numLines;
    dy2 = (200 - 250)/numLines;

    stroke(147, 112, 219);         //purple
    var x1 = 0;
    var y1 = 400;
    var x2 = 180;
    var y2 = 300;
    for (var i = 0; i <= numLines; i += 1){
        line(x1, y1, x2, y2);
        x1 += dx1;
        y1 += dy1;
        x2 += dx2;
        y2 += dy2;


    //layer and tranlate yellow group to the right
    translate(0, 170);
    line(0, 300, 10, 390);
    line(250, 250, 200, 350);
    dx1 = (10-0)/numLines;
    dy1 = (390 - 300)/numLines;
    dx2 = (350-250)/numLines;
    dy2 = (200 - 250)/numLines;

    stroke("yellow");         //yellow
    var x1 = 0;
    var y1 = 400;
    var x2 = 180;
    var y2 = 300;
    for (var i = 0; i <= numLines; i += 1){
        line(x1, y1, x2, y2);
        x1 += dx1;
        y1 += dy1;
        x2 += dx2;
        y2 += dy2;

//blue part of wings : top left to bottom right
    translate(175, 15);    //make smaller and move to align w/ lines

    line(0, 0, 50, 180);
    line(250, 220, 300, 400);
    dx1 = (50 - 0)/numLines;
    dy1 = (180 - 0)/numLines;
    dx2 = (300 - 250)/numLines;
    dy2 = (400 - 220)/numLines;

    var x1 = 0;
    var y1 = 0;
    var x2 = 250;
    var y2 = 220;
    for (var i = 0; i <= numLines; i += 1){
        line(x1, y1, x2, y2);
        x1 += dx1;
        y1 += dy1;
        x2 += dx2;
        y2 += dy2;

//magenta part of wings : top right to bottom left
    line(50, 220, 0, 400);
    line(300, 0, 250, 180);
    dx3 = (0-50)/numLines;
    dy3 = (400 - 220)/numLines;
    dx4 = (250 - 300)/numLines;
    dy4 = (180 - 0)/numLines;

    var x3 = 50;
    var y3 = 220;
    var x4 = 300;
    var y4 = 0;
    for (var i = 0; i <= numLines; i += 1){
        line(x3, y3, x4, y4);
        x3 += dx3;
        y3 += dy3;
        x4 += dx4;
        y4 += dy4;

//butterfly body in center of criss cross

for(var l = 10; l <= 200; l += 10){       //repeated rings make up body
    ellipse(150, l + 90, 10, 10);
line((width/2) + 3, height/4, (width/2) + 30, (height/4) - 35);
line((width/2) - 3, height/4, (width/2) - 30, (height/4) - 35);



Project 04 – String Art

Sunset at the Beach

//Srishty Bhavsar
//Section C
var dx1;
var dy1;
var dx2;
var dy2;
var numLines = 50;

function setup() {
    createCanvas(400, 400);
    text("p5.js vers 0.9.0 test.", 10, 15);
    line(50, 50, 150, 300);
    line(300, 300, 400, 100);

function draw() {
    //sky blue background
        // for loop that initializes =, lines up to 700, and spaced +1
    dx1 = (150-50)/numLines;
    dy1 = (300-50)/numLines;
    dx2 = (350-300)/numLines;
    dy2 = (100-300)/numLines;
// faint mountains in background
    var x1 = -100;
    var y1 = -30;
    var x2 = 500;
    var y2 = -200;

    for (var i = 0; i <= numLines; i += 1) {
        x1 += dx1;
        y1 += dy1;
        x2 += dx2;
        y2 += dy2;
        rotate(PI/3); // flipped so they look like mountains
        line(x1/2, y1, x2, y2);
        line(x1/2, y1, x2, y2);

    for (var i = 0; i <= numLines; i += 1) {

        var x1 = 0;
        var x2 = (i*width)/50;
        var y1 = (i*width)/50;
        var y2 = height;

        //Ocean blue waves (light to dark)
        line(x1 + 50, y1 + 100, x2, y2);
        stroke(0,157,196); // brightest blue
        line(x1, y1 + 80, x2, y2);
        line(width + (x2), height - y1, x2, y2);
        stroke(1,90,112); // oceanside blue
        line(width+500, height-y1, x2, y2);
        line(width+500, height-y1, x2 + 100 , y2);
        line(x1, y1 + 150, x2, y2);
        line(x1, y1 + 200, x2, y2);

        stroke(246, 240, 210); // dark sand color
        line(x1, height - 20, x2 - 100, height);
        stroke(205, 170, 109); //lighter sand color
        line(x1, height-30, x2 + 10, height);
        stroke(255,255,240); //ivoru sand color
        line(x1, height -10, x2 -100, height);


    //setting sun
     for (var i = 0; i <= 50 + numLines; i += 1) {
        // sun sets position above water
        var x1 = 200;
        var y1 = 250;
        stroke(250, 180, 20, 100); // sunny yellow 
        push() // stored
        translate(x1, y1);
        rotate((i*PI)/numLines); //center filled circle
        line(0, 0, 0, 100); // rays
        pop() // resets



week 04 project

for this project, I wanted to make a heart shape using string art!

var dx1;
var dy1;
var dx2;
var dy2;

var tx1;
var ty1;
var tx2;
var ty2;

var qx1;
var qy1;
var qx2;
var qy2;

var numLines = 50;
var numLinesb = 50;
var numLinesc = 50;

function setup() {
    createCanvas(400, 400);
    //corresponds to bottom part of heart
    dx1 = (-250)/numLines; //bottom left x
    dy1 = (600)/numLines; //bottom left y
    dx2 = (300)/numLines; // top right x
    dy2 = (-700)/numLines; // top right y

    //corresponds to top right part of heart
    tx1 = (0)/numLinesb; //bottom left x
    ty1 = (-600)/numLinesb; //bottom left y
    tx2 = (200)/numLinesb; // top right x
    ty2 = (700)/numLinesb; // top right y

    //corresponds to top left part of heart
    qx1 = (-100)/numLinesc; //bottom left x
    qy1 = (500)/numLinesc; //bottom left y
    qx2 = (0)/numLinesc; // top right x
    qy2 = (-600)/numLinesc; // top right y

function draw() {
    //following is bottom part of heart
    stroke(200,100,100); //pink lines
    var x1 = 0; //left x
    var y1 = 200; //left y
    var x2 = 400; //right x
    var y2 = 600; //right y
    for (var i = 0; i <= numLines; i += 1) {
        line(x1, y1, x2, y2);
        x1 += dx1;
        y1 += dy1;
        x2 += dx2;
        y2 += dy2;
    } //following is right upper part of heart
    stroke(255,100,200); // hot pink lines
    var a1 = 200; //left x
    var b1 = 250; //left y
    var a2 = 400; //right x
    var b2 = 0; //right y
    for (var i = 0; i <= numLinesb; i += 1) {
        line(a1, b1, a2, b2);
        a1 += tx1;
        b1 += ty1;
        a2 += tx2;
        b2 += ty2;
    } // following is left upper part of heart
    var c1 = 0; //left x 
    var d1 = 0; //left y
    var c2 = 200; //right x
    var d2 = 250; //right y
    for (var i = 0; i <= numLinesc; i += 1) {
        line(c1, d1, c2, d2);
        c1 += qx1;
        d1 += qy1;
        c2 += qx2;
        d2 += qy2;
    stroke(240,100,240); //pink 3
    for (var i = 2; i <= 100; i += 4){ //right side of heart
    for (var i = 2; i <= 100; i += 4){ //left side of heart
